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ChrisCat1, UserMod Light

If you have permission/licence from the right holders of the movies to offer the movies there as stream, it is legal.

By contrast, if you offer the films without the permission of the rightholders, it is a copyright violation and therefore illegal.

1 year ago

If that were illegal, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, RTL+, Sky, etc. would also be illegal.

Of course it’s legal. But what kind of movies do you want to show? You don’t have anyone who wants to see.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hallo181672heu

can you find any movie streaming which is available in Amazon prime and Netflix, so we can find any movie

This is absolutely impossible! If Netflix or Amazon already has the rights for a FIlm, then this is usually exclusive and the rightholder will not give you the rights! In addition, you would have to invest so immensely high sums of money in licensing costs that would never be worth it

so our subscription would cost 14,99€

You can forget that! In the expenses you would have if you really wanted to offer ALL of films, the subscription would cost about 200 to 500€ per month

What do you think so big companies like Netflix or Amazon don’t do this as you imagine? They have everything you need: money, customers, contacts… Not even Apple can afford to do something like that! And Disney is also miles away from it!
DIe do not do this because it is simply impossible and because it would be too expensive even if it were possible

1 year ago
Reply to  Hallo181672heu

What are you smoking? Where do you want the movies? How old are you, 12?

1 year ago
Reply to  Hallo181672heu

Stay Illegal

1 year ago

Even if you have the licenses for the movies and series

1 year ago

With all Abos yes, everything else is no. But you have to get permission first and you don’t get it as simple as you think.

Netflix is also such an Abo thing, why should the Illegal be if almost every 3th person uses it?

1 year ago
Reply to  Larix123

He needs the licenses

1 year ago

If you get or buy the streaming rights for the movies on the right holder, it’s legal.

1 year ago

well, this is only legal if you obtain permission for the project from the rights holders of the respective films and pay the corresponding royalties.

But if you want to offer enough films to offer the viewers a payout that is large enough to be interesting (no one pays for it if he has only 50 films to choose from!) you will have to pay a few million euros for the start. In addition, the infrastructure comes, i.e. hardware and software that you also need for the project.

So if you find a bank that will give you at least: about 100-200 million euros, you can try that.

But you would have to find enough subscribers in about half a year to buy enough new licenses from the revenues so that you can make new offers to the subscribers and replace the old expired licenses because you always have to offer a sufficiently large selection of content so that the subscribers stay and get new

1 year ago

for this you need the permission that you can publish the series and films

1 year ago

If you don’t have the licenses for distribution then it’s illegal.

To get the licenses costs proper coal;)

1 year ago

Give up, there’s too much competition. Legal it would be if you had permission