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It is.
You shouldn’t be careful not to leave your frustration to the wrong people. Unfortunately, this happens very quickly and very often.
A little self-control is very helpful and protects against unconsidered actions for which you will have to apologize unfortunately.
The “crown” of self-control has the one who manages to sleep one night over trouble.
Honestly, it is often so that the next day a lot is no longer so dramatic.
Can you think about it?
Jein, well, it can be helpful to dismantle his frustration, because it can help to process the resurrected anger. It is important, however, how to do this exactly. If you express your own anger in a healthy way, such as through sports, creative activities or even through open conversations, etc., this can already be relieving. But if the anger is uncontrolled or let out aggressively, it can have a more damaging effect.
Yes, because the rage is getting more and more and you lose the frame at some point. 😅😅
LG Maike
Yes of course, but not to people or fragile objects
The explosion sometimes works well – but go into the forest or into the open field and explodiere there extensive.
Sure. Unless you leave the frustration to people or destroy objects.
— Yoda to Anakin Skywalker (Episode I – The Dark Threat)
That has not made a person really happy.