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The question is difficult to answer from time to time, because it is not sure whether your diet is automatically healthier. And with a renouncement of sugar, other health problems can even be created again. So I’d rather guess about a complete waiver.
It is also to be assumed that your consumption is already low-swell because you would not ask the question of probability for otherwise. So you need a certain amount of sugar to live.
Best regards
Candy, sugary beverages and added short-chain sugars can be largely dispensed with, is certainly healthy. This can also be implemented.
However, it is not necessary to (almost) completely dispense with sugar, so the diet would become very, very one-sided.
That depends on how much sugar you consume.
But I should never give up sugar completely
Hope I could help you
Why shouldn’t you give up sugar completely?
Since the body needs sugar and it is unhealthy no more to eat sugar
No, it’s the opposite. If sugar is supplied from the outside, the body is more likely to produce its own. Why should he use energy and resources when it is supplied from the outside. The same happens in creatine or when hormones are supplied from the outside. The body always tries to work as effectively and efficiently as possible. For example, the survival was secured.
I once heard that the additional sugar supports the production of sugar, but I think there was something wrongly informed:)
Yeah, the body needs some sugar. But there is absolutely practical that each body can also make its need for sugar completely. Therefore, the notion is not essential, which applies both to sugar and to any carbohydrate.
I wouldn’t give up on fructose in fruit, on added sugar, yes.
Adding carbohydrates not bound to intact balla substances has health benefits
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