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It does not want to harm us in a targeted manner, but if something is not long-lasting, you can give sugar.
This keeps the product longer.
Or sugar is very cheap and it tastes people. In combination with fat, you get quickly addicted and therefore you keep it.
The companies always have the money in their head.
It’s not that industry wants to harm us in a targeted way – most companies just don’t care if anything hurts us as long as it maximizes their profits. Sugar, for example, is super cheap, tastes most good and makes addictive – this in combination increases sales and profits massively, so as much of it is balled into the products as possible as long as we buy them. The fact that this is detrimental to consumers does not interest the workers’ beans, then the argument comes “when people buy it voluntarily, they don’t force them” and the thing is done for them.
That’s how it goes in capitalism, money always has priority over people.
The priority is not to harm people. By sugar and sweetness, however, most things taste better and we consume them more often. This leads to an increase in sales and ultimately to an economic growth of the company – so, as in many things, it is about money.
The OneHalt08
It is at least accepted for profit.
More like the motto when people buy it, they’re their own fault, it’s what’s in it.
I personally believe there are both; once those who actually care about it and those who even want it for certain reasons.
No industry is exclusively about profit maximization. And sugar is a cheap raw material, for example, to make things durable.
The damage to humans is by the way, as long as it increases sales.
The industry wants to earn as much money as possible and without regard to health