Ist es gesund jeden morgen haferflocken mit bananen und yogurt zu essen?
1)Zum Frühstück esse ich immer Natur yogurt mit Haferflocken und Bannane. Ist das gesund oder ist irgendwas davon stopfend oder führt zur durchfall?? Bei Haferflocken bin ich mir nämlich unsicher.
2) was kann ich aktiv bei harten stuhlgang tun,außer viem trinken und ballastoffreich essen. Habe heute nicht so viel Hunger,was kann ich noch so machen? 🙂
Yeah, that’s healthy.
Oat flakes are always good, yoghurt every morning… I don’t know…
Besides, you could eat other healthy things for breakfast, completely monotonous isn’t fun.
I think this is healthy, but I would rather put on regional fruits.
Banana comes from the tropics, with this cold here tropical fruits are not optimal
Yes, Banana is “spotting”
Take plums, for example, or at least apples, if you have constipations (appeless would also be an idea, but does not vlt in the muesli)
LG auf-dem-pruefstand-stopfen-bananen-real.html
Oh, if they’re full.
But have observed that many people prefer more immature bananas, even “ripe” (so good that you get here in Germany) throw away (ihh, they already have brown spots)
Are blueberries? Or stuff them
I know blueberries as a means of diarrhea. Apples are pretty good. Maybe you can pump the banana together with the yogurt?
Yeah, they’re too lazy or too sweet. They’re landing at the Milkshake.
I personally would bring more variety into it – sometimes mirror egg with bacon, apple, berries, grains, seeds, etc.
You can test magnesium. Very good;-)
1) It’s okay.
2) Eat fruit, apples, pears, oranges… that you are right now.
by the way. I always get diarrhea. In reverse, it could be assumed that occasionally a candy with sweetener brings the desired effect.
Yes is very healthy.
Take a handful of sunflower seeds or linseed into your morning vegetables.
Have you heard linseed are also good at constipation, does that?
Right. Generally, seeds and seeds.
In case of linseed, you can take srowed (in every drugstore), which sources better.
In principle, I eat the same breakfast as you, but still have either a handful of nuts in it or a spoon of such a core mixture that I have compiled myself, there is sesame in it, linseed, poppy, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.