Ist es gefährlich, ohne ärztliche Untersuchung Calcium, Magnesium, Zink + Vitamin D3 zu nehmen?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin 16 Jahre alt, 165 cm groß und nehme seit kurzer Zeit das Nahrungsergänzungsmittel „21st Century, Calcium Magnesium Zink + D3“ (90 Tabletten). Ich nehme täglich 2 Tabletten, ohne dass ich zuvor eine ärztliche Untersuchung hatte. Zusätzlich esse ich auch Lebensmittel, die diese Mineralstoffe enthalten. Ich halte mich an die empfohlene Dosierung der Tabletten, aber ich mache mir Sorgen, ob ich durch die Nahrung vielleicht zu viel von diesen Stoffen aufnehme und damit die empfohlene Grenze überschreite. Ich möchte vor allem mein Wachstum unterstützen, da ich noch wachsen will. Ist das gefährlich, oder sollte ich besser damit aufhören, bitte ich will jetzt eure Meinung dazu haben!
Danke für eure Hilfe!
Why do you take this product if you are not sure if you need it or if it can be useful?
All ingredients are water-soluble except for vitamin D. That means you are producing very expensive urine, first and foremost.
Calcium is easy to get over a halfway good diet. Zinc would be an option if you were driving a lot of sport. Because then the need rises and is more excreted by sweating. Magnesium can be added. Unfortunately, the raw material forms of magnesium and zinc are only oxide. That’s the cheapest and least worth what’s on the market. There is much better.
The amount of vitamin D in it is not enough to get the blood value over the winter in an infant. It’s completely meaningless. It would be better to let the value in the blood be determined and to take a vitamin D3 & K2 product (dripping or capsules) and to select the dosage according to the determined value.
So, in your opinion, I should do without it and also take vitamin D 3 in serum
Don’t make a big difference whether you take it or not. Especially if you don’t even know if you have a subsistence or lack of it. It was just a waste of money. It is best to inform and first look at the diet or to know the blood value of vitamin D.
Why Vitamin D extra?
I don’t know because there is little vitamin D 3
Be careful, please ask about the maximum dose and then weigh. D 3 should only be taken after a determination of the value (blood removal).
You really should only take this to you if you have a proven lack of it from the doctor. Otherwise you can poison yourself with such things in the worst case. or you just have very expensive Pipi because the stuff doesn’t work at all. so please leave this and let the doctor take a blood picture first. And a real one.
Okay, thank you
No, it is not important, as the WHO’s benchmarks are too low anyway.
it does not harm the body if you take such supplements a bit too much.
but: in principle, these 4 in 1 products are of poor quality.
get everything individually.
that is safe if you want to add it, that is not harmful.
The amounts which are on the can are even very small doses.
Some medical practitioners even recommend
D3 4000I.E./day
Calzium, magnesium are in good proportion and zinc is also not overdosed.
With your supplements you are absolutely not overdosed.
I have 50000I.E. D3 taken daily for 2 weeks. (More should not be it then).
Next you should pay attention to clean water for drinks.
The only thing I can say is if you take minerals, see that it is natural and not synthetic. The same applies to vitamins.
Yeah, I’ve uploaded a photo for this, you see what I’m taking, what do you say?
So frankly, the packaging looks more like something cheap.
Natural minerals are also declared “natural”.
Google after that. However, you have to pay about 30€ per pack.
Synthetic minerals, vitamins etc. are unfortunately not well absorbed by the body.
So honestly… for 5€, it can’t be anything.
But you know what? Go to your family doctor and take the can. Ask him what he says and about the difference between natural and synthetic nutrients.
Maybe I’m wrong.
It cost 5€, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of 13 December 2013 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of the Schengen acquis (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 1).
it stands have bought more than 50K people lately
Would leave it and discuss it with your pediatrician
No. But pointless. Got everything in the bananas, milk, etc.
Sensual witness to the sales of dro markets!
can ask your doctor for confirmation!