Ist es gefährlich nachdem man Cola getrunken hat Mentos zu essen?

Kann diese Reaktion Cola & Mentos auch direkt im Magen stattfinden? Oder wandelt der Körper die beiden Nahrungsmittel direkt so um, dass kein Anlass zur Gefahr besteht?

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11 months ago


There is no risk of this.

The cola does not actually react to the ingredients of the metos, but to the surface of the bonbon. It is very rough and offers the CO2 a surface that it can accumulate and can develop into ever larger bubbles. In addition, the size of the bonbon is perfect for the bottle neck. It just fits in, which still favors the process.

Since you usually do not swallow the metos like a tablet and second right much co2 has been lost when you drank the cola, it cannot happen much.

11 months ago

No. There’s nothing happening. In the stomach everything is decomposed and there is no “reaction” anymore.


11 months ago

Hi, Lucx24.

You don’t have to worry, it’s not dangerous.

Cola is almost the only drink that is rich. That’s because Cola already lands in the stomach.

Greetings, Renate.

11 months ago


11 months ago

There’s nothing happening, you can eat Mentos calmly.