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1 month ago

For Tunisia, I can tell you: No. No problem. But make sure that the national currency is debited! If you book in Euro, high fees will be charged to you.

There are also many ATMs if you want to draw money. Here, too, national currency. Often you can only pull 300 dinars a day. Watch someone standing next to you. The trick: if you put your money away he claims to have seen that a bill had been drawn back into the field. If you count your bills, he’ll grab and run off quickly.

And never change money on the street. You’re pushing yourself some Algerian bills worth a fraction.

(Hab 5 years lived there)

1 month ago

In Egypt I rather see the danger of being blown or shot by anyone.

1 month ago

I hardly think. If you are friendly, you hardly have to fear anything

And in a hotel? People need their jobs. Would it be dangerous to pay with you if a scoundrel, a Trump or a Xi Jinping pay?

1 month ago
Reply to  Satiharuu

It doesn’t have to be a hotel employee using the credit card details, but they can sell them further….
I also had previously unknown bookings on the map, after a visit abroad. But that was Kos, not Egypt or Tunisia.
It was easily returned.

1 month ago
Reply to  grisu2101

Yes there are Lete running around with EFT device. Then you put off the contactless card payment, is totally unnecessary and if you ever lose the card, then you have to fear…

1 month ago

I just turned off

1 month ago

No, I have a special portemanay, NFC is not possible.

1 month ago
