Ist es gefährlich eine Fliege zu essen?

Meine Oma hat mir gesagt, dass wenn die Fliege sich auf den Kuchen setzt und einer sie mit isst, ist das schlecht für die Gesundheit ist.

Mein Vater sagt, dass das doch nur Proteine sind.

Wer hat denn jetzt recht?

Danke für eure Hilfe dieser Diskussion ein Ende zu bereiten:)!

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10 months ago

No, but

also home flies can transmit dangerous diseases.

In order for the disease to break out, the virus must survive the stomach acid and then fight against the defense mechanisms of the body.

Healthy persons who are not under imbalance or general weakness due to illness or age should not have any negative effects.

a certain residual risk remains.

However, the large meat flies are also very happy to go to Kot and can therefore spread even more dangerous bacteria and viruses. An attempt is not advisable.

Nevertheless, it remains that an infection via the digestive seed is rather unlikely. Transfers of diseases usually take place through stitches.

10 months ago

A fly is not a problem.

Puppies and bees can cause quite anger when swallowed.

10 months ago

It’s not dangerous. These few microorganisms on a fly are made harmless by your digestive process.

10 months ago

No, that’s absolutely not dangerous.

7 months ago

This depends on where the fly was before, sometimes they come directly from the dog’s pile, which is less healthy, so you can catch a germ.

10 months ago

I’ve been drinking a fruit fly in the juice more often. Never mind.

The bigger flies that go to Aas and Kot should not be eaten BITTE.

Proteins they have – then eat locusts!

10 months ago

At any rate, I didn’t die, and as a child, you try something like that.

10 months ago

A fly can transfer up to 100 serious diseases. Among them the helicobacter pylori, which is also responsible for stomach ulcers.