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ich werde in 3 Wochen eine Chemie mündliche Prüfung ablegen. Jedoch weiß ich nicht wie ich diese Abbildung erklären soll. Könnt ihr mir helfen, wie ich diese Abbildung erklären kann. Bitte mit leicht verständlicher Sprache erklären, damit ich es auch mit eigenen Worten erklären kann. Danke :))
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Zu klein fürs Handballtor?
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It’s not funny and possibly very risky.
I know several thicknesses personally Then you’ll show that the funny fat pig as a ready-to- fight Eber will catch you and show you what he finds funny and what he doesn’t. I also know a thick woman who is capable and very willing.
Be careful with whom you try to drive jokes.
What about “Specki”, “Schwabbel” or “Puddinghals”?
How old are you?
That’s it. I’m convinced that you’re too cowardly to say this to your face without running. Cowards like you just try to be “lusty” on the net.
25, why do you ask?
See that.
I think it’s bad.I was 105 kg heavy once and I took 50 kg. Believe me, I know stupid sayings enough, and the worst I find it when I am taken seriously by people who have rejected me before.
Well, I don’t think it’s good. It seems to be injuring me and reducing the person. I wouldn’t do it.
I don’t think that’s true. It’s an insult. Imagine the thickness suffers from his figure (even if he has never pronounced it), then the bully is.
Simply hangs from the person who is called so there is no fundamental right or wrong with that.
If it doesn’t matter to the person and that it takes with humor then it’s not bad but if it makes her what is actually the case even if many shouldn’t admit it you should let it be
no bro hä this not funny young my mother once said Specki to me Believe me that was so hurting
Best regards
How old are you? I used to be young and thin after that, I grew up with a disease. Some people can’t do anything they’re fat. You could get fat if you’re not now. So I don’t want anyone to get fat, but if you’re making yourself luscious about it.