Ist es euch wichtig, dass ihr in eurem Leben die Welt bereisen und Urlaube im Ausland machen könnt?

Oder haben Reisen für euch keinen grossen Wert und ihr unternehmt lieber Dinge in näherer Umgebung/seid Zuhause?

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1 month ago

Yeah, it’s important to travel. Therefore, a part of my savings flows.

As a child, I liked to see Dokus about other countries on very different topics, but my parents never had money for travel, and it is not important to them either.

Since I grew up and earned “right” money myself, I travel. At 30 years I have seen 33 countries and hope that there will be some more.

I now travel not only new countries, but also where I was.

In Germany, I am often on the go, as my family and friends live very distributed.

We are also making a holiday with an extended family in Denmark, that is to say a very big round with uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparents as they still lived or lived. fit enough, my parents, siblings with possibly Partners and children. Just to have some time all together, as you rarely see yourself in everyday life and then often only briefly. Denmark, because it is easily accessible for all, especially for older and longer trips, there are so large houses. But there are always regions where we can do this, even if we have now virtually alels through it and are repeated.

If I haven’t had a “right” trip too long, the weekends or course trips with friends and family somehow don’t count right, I notice how I miss the “pear”. Whether distance is Portugal or Japan, for example.

I like to discover new places or not yet known to me “completely”, this is a completely different way to look at a docuh.

1 month ago

Hello Maranessi👋🏻

I am not the type of holiday, I consider a short road trip with the bike somewhere as a holiday, has never been to make holidays in another country, in my childhood, the holiday was to drive with the wheels and the transporter to the grandparents to the campsite and spend 2 weeks there, from there we have made many tours.

1 month ago

I am thrilled with architecture and history. I love looking at interesting buildings. It doesn’t have to be far away. In my home town of Hanover, I have seen over 100 churches, from the small district chapel to the large city church and was in more than a dozen museums, from the small home office to special museums to the very large municipal and state museums.

I’ve often made day trips with my parents before. After the border, I drove the first years of every free weekend to the Altmark to see the beauties of the Roman village churches. There’s hardly any other chapel I haven’t seen at least from outside.

I have travelled around or day trips in almost all European countries and in addition some countries in the Mediterranean region.

I don’t care about distance travel, because my main interest is the history, architecture and art of Europe, including the Mediterranean region.

1 month ago

Sure, I like to travel for my life. If my state tried to arrest me in my country, it would certainly not be my state. My travel activities are always in waves, because of the children, long Europe with camper and with growing number of children was announced with a VW bus plus caravan. However, flight trips to North Africa or Arab states were also recommended with the children. I am traveling a lot in Africa myself, but the whole family was only there twice.

1 month ago

I never really traveled, but I don’t think that would be anything for me.

Right now, I’m busy with child education. :

But with my son, I’ll travel in a few years. Just not yet, he’s still too small.

1 month ago
Reply to  Serera99

Let you know that kids are never too small to travel. In the camper my oldest son was so from 5 or 6. Life month and completely satisfied. My youngest son came to the world at the beginning of May and was on his way with a caravan holiday in June. It was the 4th child and one learns as parents that the children can do such activities without great problems with it. And as long as a child is breastfeeded, even the diet is very simple.

1 month ago

Love to see it a lot but also do something with friends nearby

1 month ago

I like both. And do both

1 month ago

I love traveling. Is a part of life for me

1 month ago

There are so many interesting places. I love traveling over everything.

1 month ago

We live only once and I would like to see the whole world:)

1 month ago

Yes I would be

1 month ago

don’t like to go far.