Ist es erlaubt nicht ordnungsgemäß zu parken?

Zum Beispiel wenn ich auf einem großen Parkplatz mitten auf einem Streifen stehe somit 2 Parkplätze belege.

Ist das rein rechtlich gesehen strafbar?

Asozial ist es auf jeden Fall (zumindest wenn man es macht wo kaum Parkplatz frei ist)

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2 years ago

If the vehicle does not fit into a parking space, it is even desirable.

For example, the Ford Transit with about 6m length. It’s over the parking lot. This leaves a part in the passageway. If someone then goes to the protruding part, the fault can be at the parking end.

Therefore, in such cases, two parking spaces are occupied so that one stands within the markings.

2 years ago

On public parking a violation of the StVO and is probably punished with a simple administrative penalty. On private parking (also supermarket parking) the owner can at best proceed civilly against you.

2 years ago

§ 12 (6) StVO:

It is space-saving to park; this usually also applies to holding.

A violation of this is an offence.

1 year ago

You have parking space saving to park. On public parking, this can lead to a kill if you have two parking spaces with your vehicle because you park very generously.

Excluded are persons with diplomatic status. They can park and keep how and where they want. If they get a bullet, it’s usually ignored. It is not possible to raise money with them.More than asking to pay the penalty, the administration has not.

2 years ago

you have to park within the marked area, then there is no carol

2 years ago

It is forbidden and can cost a fine. You are obliged to park parking space.