Ist es erlaubt ein Skateboard in sein Koffer zu verstauen?

Hey Community,

ich fliege bald nach Griechenland und würde so gerne mein Skateboard mitnehmen. Ich habe mir überlegt, die Achsen abzuschrauben und das Deck quer reinzulegen, wenn es passen sollte. Ist es erlaubt sein Skateboard im Koffer mitzunehmen? Und wenn ja, ist es dann auch kostenlos?

Danke im Vorraus!

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9 years ago

If it fits in the suitcase, it is naturally allowed!

I bought my longboard in America and flew to Germany by hand luggage on the plane. No problem at all. (The longboard was above the seats in this pocket shelf and is 1.27 m or so)

3 years ago
Reply to  Augenring

Actually, this should not be allowed because a skateboard can only be stowed in the suitcase because otherwise it could be yellowing as a hit weapon

6 years ago

If it fits completely in the case it is allowed.

as hand luggage allow most airlines but not.

9 years ago

As long as the security people don’t believe you want to beat who you can take it, and it would cost only what if you get over the maximum weight.

9 years ago
Reply to  RasierAbdi

So in the USA I think ALL is possible….but it depends on where to whistle

9 years ago

Yeah, life’s crazy a lot. ^^

9 years ago

“in the apple could be a bomb hidden”… no, that’s not a sweat, already experienced.

9 years ago
