Ist es erfreulich, dass wenigstens RyanAir aus Preis- und Verfügbarkeitsgründen weiterhin auf die Boeing 737Max statt auf Airbus A320/321 setzt?

Ich meine, Boeing muss irgendwie überleben, und RyanAir Kunden ist sowieso alles egal Hauptsache billig, die würden auch mit der Ju52/3m fliegen wenn es sein müßte

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3 months ago

I have already flew with Ryanair and the Ju52/3m and would rather fly again with the Ju if I had the choice.

But look aside, it is not that only Ryanair ordered the 737Max. If you order a new one today, you must wait for delivery by 2031.

4 months ago

The call of the MAX is ruined. Not only in general, also under the personnel (pilots, aircraft mechanics).

Question is if the customer checks at all. For example, TUI calls things nix MAX, but 737-8. And the standard PAX also doesn’t look at the airplane for the first time whether it’s ne MAX or ne NG.

And a lot of people you’re talking about on MAX don’t have a fade of what you’re talking about. Desinterest.

Just three days ago, someone who wrote to me that he was good at asking if he flew Airbus or Boeing. He writes “no idea…” Also ignorance and disinterest.

Ask someone who drives the train after what was going on for a locomotive. Do you also get “no idea.”

I think Ryanair is holding up because things are cheaper. The business model of RyanAir is not to fly people from A to B, but primarily aircraft trading.

4 months ago

So that you can’t have expectations, no matter what, I think it’s clear when you fly with a cheap airline. But I have no pity for Boeing. They deliberately endangered passenger safety. Now they have to bear the consequences. I don’t know what it looks like economically.

4 months ago
Reply to  Fischimo764

The first sentence applies even better to the LH.

4 months ago
Reply to  CampaWoll

Boeing are thousands of workers who can’t do anything about what happened.

There are very many people who carried away with Boeing. Those with decency and backbone are no longer at Boeing.

Wirecard were also thousands of jobs that would have survived?

4 months ago

Why does Boeing have to survive? At the current business stand in the profit optimization of safety and quality, one should hope that another manufacturer will eventually make the jump to resolve Boeing as an Airbus counter player.

4 months ago
Reply to  CampaWoll

Boeing are thousands of workers who can’t do anything about what happened.

And now? This is true for every company. It’s not a reason a company has to survive.

In addition, it is poison for every industry when there is a quasi-monopoly.

that is why I say that it would be desirable for anyone else to make the jump. (But at the time it seems almost impossible.)

4 months ago

For political and economoic reasons, Boeing will never go down.

This would also not be in the interest of Airbus if they were suddenly monopoly. Only constant competition ensures product improvements.

2 months ago
Reply to  blackhaya

If anyone ever had enough money to take over Boeing.

4 months ago

In case of doubt, Boeing is being promoted to survival by the state, because Boeing is system-relevant.

4 months ago

I mean, Boeing must somehow survive

I don’t know why Boeing survive must:

4 months ago
Reply to  CampaWoll

Boeing are thousands of workers who can’t do anything about what happened.

Isn’t that always the case with companies that go to Pleite?

Schlecker, Intern, Hertie, Karstadt…

That’s why Boeing has to survive.

No, that’s not a good reason. It’s no reason. Otherwise, there would never have been any company spite, because there’s always someone who can’t do anything for it.

2 months ago

This is completely nonsense.

There are SYSTEMRELEVANTE companies that are rescued under all circumstances.

In the past, “General Motors”, “Commerzbank”, “Lufthansa” or “Karstadt” were saved.

An unordered insolvency would otherwise have caused a very great damage, after General Motors there are also the entire car houses and subcontractors. Even the economic damage would be enormous if millions of car owners would no longer get a substitute.

4 months ago

For Boeing.