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1 year ago

that comes very strongly to you and wherever.

in some countries, you have to demonstrate, for example, that you speak and that you have a job. that is more difficult than if a country has no requirements…

1 year ago

Yeah, moving out is very easy. You can go as a German wherever you want. No one’s holding you, no one’s forbiding you.

What is difficult to impossible is that Amigrate.

Each country has provisions and conditions that immigrants must fulfil. This shall be fulfilled. For some, the easy for others is not.

1 year ago

I always find this question to answer in a juicy manner. There are people I have the feeling that they think that they just have to go to sleep in the evening and then wake up in the desired country the next day and everything is perfect – No, it’s not that easy. And then there are people who think they have to be rich, who have to speak the national language perfectly (which may be true for some countries, but for example not for mine, yet it is constantly asserted), wonders that have to do for a rough job and have to strike around for months with all possible authorities – no, so difficult it is not.

1 year ago

I live about now. 20 years no longer in Germany. Nevertheless, I do not consider myself an emigrant. It’s not easy to “scotch” its origin. I live in Thailand in a small paradise with a super-loved Thailaender and daughter. But I’m not an emigrant.

1 year ago

This can be very simple to very difficult, depending on where you want to go. I assume that “emigration” means “forever”.

Most (probably all) countries have prerequisites that you have to fulfill, and of course you have to master the national language.

1 year ago

That depends on where. In some countries, you have to prove a living for a year and if you don’t have a job afterwards, you’re leaving. Also corresponding language skills are often ordered.

1 year ago

No. And whoever doesn’t pack it here doesn’t pack it somewhere else.

1 year ago

It’s never easy.

1 year ago

It’s moving out. How long you can hold it there can be very individual.

1 year ago

No, certainly not.

1 year ago

If you have a very good financial cushion

1 year ago

No, it’s not!

1 year ago

is very simple… if you have no claims just pack your suitcase and get out, you’re a free man.