Ist es eine Stärke?
Hey Leutis,
ich habe in guten 2h ein Vorstellungsgespräch zur Ausbildung als Köchin.
Meine Frage ist, kann ich denen Sagen, als Stärke dass mein Immunsystem gut ist, also ich Sehr, sehr selten bis gar nicht krank werde?
Danke im Voraus ❤️
I wouldn’t say it unless you ask.
You don’t know what your health will look like next year.
Here are some tips:
Head is about Team Viewer 😭😭 that makes everything even more complicated
Look at this:
Yes, but it would also bring you into play that you know and keep the hygiene rules well.
I have already done the protection of infection §43 (believe I) through an internship, so this has been in my application. But thanks
Nice job, but it should be exhausting. Depending on the employer.
The good thing is, it’s just a staff kitchen. So pay by tariff, fixed working hours. I wouldn’t go to a restaurant. The “sugars” are azubis, I heard. :
I would rather not say that, because it is often the candidate who emphasizes or emphasizes their avoidable strength, exactly the opposite is the case.
In general, you should keep the ball flat when talking to a job, especially when it comes to training. Because excessive self-lobe is usually not so good! Then better shut up or try to ask meaningful questions about training.
In addition, you need to have a medical examination before the start of the training.
Mhhh… I’d say that by the way.
A strength is a property.
Say you’re team-ready, resilient and reliable.
Yeah, I’d say that…