Ist es eine Magenschleimhautentzündung?
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin momentan in einer verzweifelten Situation und wende mich deshalb an diese Gruppe. Mein Anliegen ist, dass ich seit Juni unter starken Symptomen von Long Covid litt und zusätzlich leide ich unter ausgeprägter Hypochondrie. Dies führte zu zahlreichen Panikattacken, die über Tage anhielten und mir körperlich zusetzten. Nach diversen medizinischen Behandlungen wurde mir vor zwei Monaten mitgeteilt, dass alles in Ordnung sei und ich gesund bin, trotz zahlreicher Arztbesuche und MRTs.
In der Zwischenzeit habe ich jedoch starke Magenbeschwerden wie Brennen, Übelkeit und Völlegefühl entwickelt. Mein Arzt diagnostizierte eine Magenschleimhautentzündung und verschrieb mir Pantoprazol. Leider vertrug ich dieses Medikament nicht und musste es nach zwei Tagen absetzen. Das ist nun bereits zwei Monate her. In dieser Zeit war ich in Behandlung bei meiner Heilpraktikerin und meinem Hausarzt, die mich gut kennen. Leinsamen und Iberogast Advance haben mir sehr sehr geholfen.
Ich wurde mit einer Stuhlprobe auf Helicobacter pylori getestet, das Ergebnis war jedoch negativ. Meine Ärztin rät zur Geduld, da solche Beschwerden anhaltend sein können. Sie weiß, wie oft ich bereits medizinische Hilfe gesucht habe und möchte, dass wir nur bei Bedarf weitere Maßnahmen ergreifen. Nach zwei Monaten sind die Symptome zwar etwas besser, aber noch nicht vollständig verschwunden. An manchen Tagen sind komplett weg, an anderen Tagen kehren sie leicht zurück.
Heute hatte ich den ganzen Tag lang wenig Brennen im Magen und Durchfall. Denkt ihr, dass es immer noch eine Magenschleimhautentzündung ist? Kann eine solche Entzündung so lange anhalten? Ich bin besorgt, nachdem ich gelesen habe, dass sie sich zu Krebs entwickeln kann. Ich bin wirklich verzweifelt, da ich sehr auf meine Ernährung achte, die Symptome jedoch nicht dauerhaft verschwinden und immer wieder auftreten.
Vielen Dank und herzliche Grüße.
Pantoprazole is a remedy for heartburn, so too much stomach acid… However, it also has amazingly violent, possible side effects. (Take the grad preventive in combination for Ibuprofen lubricants, and studies the supplement leaflet.)
Is that right? There may be camomile tea or other softer natural resources and plenty of relaxation, as well as an adapted diet (reach!) more suitable.
yes that can be quite.
There’s another tea that could help you. But it’s not quite cheap. If you have generous parents, grandparents or uncles, you could try it. It is traditionally used in Lapland and Russia.
You cook it from a tree mushroom called “Chaga”. Of this, you do a few chunks in 3/4th liter of water in a pan and cook it about 20 minutes until it looks like coffee. So deep black is. You can drink it over 1-2 days, stay in the fridge. The already used tea bread can also be stored in a glass of water in the refrigerator until the next tea preparation, until the tea water is no longer dark when boiling. Then you have to shred them further and if nix gets more out.
That would be a good measure for your overly irritated/inflamed stomach. Maybe a month or so. But unfortunately, 100 grams of hand collected tea cost up to 180€. However, this takes some time and there are also smaller or cheaper packages.
I usually refer to this:
So the quality is 1a. If you’re close to cash, forget it. But if you have people who want you good, tell them to order a package. LG
Gastritides are often nix bad, especially if Helicobacter is excluded. If you don’t trust Panto, try Omeprazole. 20 mg is freely available in the pharmacy.
As a rule, proton pump inhibitors are well tolerated. Take care of your diet etc, then you get that in your grip but it can take time. I’ve been fighting for four years, but it’s all over again.
Don’t smoke and no alcohol! Not only rarely. Not at all!
A gastritis is often a stressymptom. Let your family doctor give you a transfer to the next day clinic and let you treat yourself there. Sounds like it could help you. Antidepressants can accordingly help well, but this is decided by a psychiatrist.
And every day bite movement. Half an hour walk. No kidding. This helps in the long term.
Finally, yes this can definitely still be ‘just’ ne Gastritis. She can get chronic, and then you got something about that… did your doctor not tell you?
By the way: if it’s accurate, just eat a day. If you otherwise get clear, it’ll take the stomach down solid. And a day without significant calorie intake does not harm any other healthy person.
Your gastritis comes from stress and hypochondria.
You can go to 100 more doctors. And they can’t help you with drugs. And certainly not with Iberogast. Such a homeopathic medicine only helps if you believe it. Moreover, this is no longer delivered because it can probably cause liver damage. And you can drink a glass of hunter master.
What you need is rest, distraction from these thoughts or/and therapeutic help
I think it’s more of the stress you’re doing.
Look at your diet and go down a bit 🙏🏻
Hello Leaalicee👋
Stress and worries are in any case not helpful, stress can beat the stomach. What you can do is help with the diet. Because of medication, I have a tendency to gastric mucosa inflammation, they come a few times a year and then I’m feeding myself with pre-food.
That means nothing fat, nothing sharp, nothing that stuffs or is sour means eating basic. I’ll do it for 10-14 days and then it’s better. Also, you should learn relaxation techniques, mindfulness exercises to reduce your stress, heat can also help well avoid alcohol or too much caffeine.
I like to make several meals during this 10-14 days, I never eat too much, but more often. This does not allow my stomach to have too much at once, but to be more gentle with it. This can be rice dishes, carrots softly cooked, pasta dishes, potato dishes, it really should not be a gratin or a run-up, nothing to stuff like you say so beautiful, in the morning I will make grießbrei myself, which I then divide you can eat warm as well as cold, with canned mandarins and good.