Ist es eine gute Idee sich an Orlen zu beteiligen?

Ich will 1.000€ in Orlen Aktie investieren. Dann gehört ein Teil der größten polnischen Energiekonzern mir.

Ist das eine gute Idee?

Wenn ich jedes mal bei Orlen tanke, leiste ich einen Beitrag für den Aktienkurs und pushe ihn hoch.

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11 months ago

Your tankers will not really affect the share price now. It’s more like selling the shares.

You need to see if the company is overrated or underrated. If it is overrated, it is bad but has a high share price. That means you’d buy them at an overpriced price. If it is undervalued, the company has large potential but a low share price. These shares should be bought.

All you can do is simply inform yourself about Youtube or something.

But generally it is never bad to start investing his money

11 months ago

We have a good idea. So choose the right percentage in your portfolio.

You shouldn’t be tanking anymore. Too expensive. Save for more shares.

11 months ago

Good idea….with the participation you can certainly still choose to the Supervisory Board.

So get in!!!!

11 months ago

Absolutely. You really ask very good questions 🙂