Ist es eine gute Idee Kinder in Angst zu erziehen?

Der Mensch ist ja leistungsfähigrr wenn er angst hat. Ist es also eine gute idee den kindern angst einzujagen damit sie das tun was man verlangt? Zb wenn man sagt dass sie das und das tun sollen sonst sind wir nicht mehr eure eltern? Werden kinder dann so erfolgreicher

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3 years ago

Nein, es wäre kontraproduktiv. Nicht immer aber oft. Man lernt meist effektiver, wenn solche Aufgaben die Neugier wecken und Spaß bereiten. Qualität, statt Quantität. Man kann spielerisch gewisse Punkte vorzeigen, aufschreiben oder vormalen und die Kinder versuchen es dann nachzuahmen. Wie das Wort “Vorbild” schon sagt, wir älteren zeigen Dinge vor, die wir von jüngeren erwarten. Es gibt immer einen friedlichen Weg, auch wenn dieser Prozess einem manchmal zu langsam erscheint. Wenn man jemanden etwas aufzwingt, statt den freien Willen zu berücksichtigen, blockt das Gehirn oft automatisch ab und es fällt einem schwerer neue Informationen aufzunehmen. Solcher Druck wie deine erwähnte Erpressung ist mentale Folter und beeinflusst Kinder ihr Leben lang.

Chancen steigen dadurch auch enorm, dass Kinder freiwillig den Kontakt zu ihren Eltern meiden oder sogar ganz abbrechen. Sie sind zwar herangewachsen aber vergessen ihre seelischen Narben nie. Es gibt durchaus Eltern, die ihre Kinder mit Angst erziehen und diese auch erfolgreich werden. Allerdings sind solche dann im Erwachsenenalter meist psychisch am Ende. Sie sind oft apathisch, ausgelaugt, leiden unter Depressionen, Selbstverletzung etc. und am Ende, sind viele Eltern überrascht, warum ihre Kinder sie so behandeln, wie sie selbst behandelt wurden.

3 years ago

Such people are deprived of children.

To raise children in fear🤦 ♀️ sorry there is nothing more to me…

3 years ago
Reply to  Michele433

Me! § 1631 BGB

3 years ago

Keine gute Idee, warum sollte man das jemanden antun, den man liebt?

angst hemmt die Entwicklung meist und verhindert eine gute Bindung zu den Eltern.

Du kennst ja sicher den Ausdruck ‘starr vor Angst’. Man kann dann nicht mehr denken, gut, manchmal reagiert man in gefährlichen Situationen instinktiv richtig. Manchmal aber auch nicht.

Kinder z. B. Verstecken sich aus Angst vor einem Feuer, statt zu flüchten oder nach Hilfe zu rufen.sie werden dann nur schwer gefunden. Auch lügen lernt man, wenn man Angst vor den Eltern hat.

Kann im Beruf gut sein, aber ich möchte so ein Kind nicht haben.

Habe mal von einer Studie gehört, wo geschaut wurde, welches Kind hat Urvertrauen, hat also gelernt, dass einem die Eltern beschützen, keine Angst machen und diese Kinder waren beruflich sehr viel erfolgreicher 25 Jahre später.

Mit Angst ist man entweder unsicher oder aber man ist überheblich und macht anderen auch gerne Angst. So jemand ist kein guter Chef und demotiviert seine Leute.

Wen. Ich nervös werde oder Angst habe, kann ich nicht mehr denken, ich mache dann viele Fehler.

3 years ago

I once said to my little one, who just turned around as a two-year-old on the window bench (inside): “The next circus that comes over here, I’ll give you!”

It didn’t even work and she just laughed.

Fun aside: She has to enjoy a loving education at eye level.

A child who grows up with threats will not be able to lead a self-safe and stable life.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fabianberster

Yes, it often happens that such people then develop many defence mechanisms and then often compensate for this through money. But is accompanied by many negative qualities such as geiz, greed and greed and the like.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fabianberster

I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!

3 years ago

Man is more powerful when he is afraid

In fear, adrenaline is poured out! This leads to a power boost in certain areas, namely the physical strengths! It makes people either ready to fight or escape and suppresses pain!

Based on your example in child education, you will have to count on resistance or tears from home! So does not help.

In the case of birds, the following reflex has been discovered in an unavoidable situation: At fear of death, they begin to clean themselves. How this should help to survive? I don’t know. Behavior just seems to me blur!

Oh, yes, I have experienced the adrenaline rush after fear of death, and also what physical forces he releases! Doesn’t have an inconsiderable search potential!

3 years ago

Man is more powerful when he is afraid.

This is a very steep thesis.

Man is the most powerful when he feels comfortable. A person can make the best achievements out of his creativity, and this is paralyzed by fear.

My children grew up without fear, at least without fear of their parents.

3 years ago
Reply to  DasNeueProfil

So on a very hot day I thought it was a good idea to dive the head into a mountain river. And yes, I felt a real fear of death! right up to this time, I went on crutches for more than six years. So, physically, it wasn’t so fit now. But the jump over the head of the 50 m high bridge released so much energy that I drove the 50 m back up on my crutches almost in the continuous run! Okay, I got up first half an hour. Paralysis looks different!

I’m not, I jumped from the right edge of the sight! The girl has overcome her fear!

3 years ago
Reply to  Barney123

It is inconceivable that the human being is at the moment of bare fear, due to the adrenaline output alone, physically at the most efficient. But that’s not a dogma for an educational style.

Especially after the adrenaline has decayed, a performance depth with strong sensitivity to pain is very fast.

3 years ago

Oh, it’s great if the beating parents are sadists!

That was, of course, sarcastic.

3 years ago

That is why I limited this increase in performance to physical reactions, and in my Antwowrt explained that struggle (so resistance) or escape (exit) are the consequence! As an educational goal, I have not seen any of the two ever formulated!

after decay of the adrenaline very quickly a performance depth with strong sensitivity to pain

Oh, it’s great if the beating parents are sadists!

3 years ago

Even in dogs you know today, the reward is better than punishment.

Fear is a motivator, but certainly not the best.

3 years ago

Children consciously fearing can be called psychic terror. This is, of course, NO legitimate education model

3 years ago

So erzieht man sie zu Angsthasen die bei jedem Furz Panik bekommen, weil die Eltern es so vorleben.

Kenne selbst einen Fall, wo die Mutter den Kindern ständig sagt wie gefährlich alles sei. Tu dies nicht, mach das nicht, pass auf, Vorsicht Biene, Achtung Kante etc. Wirklich schrecklich.

Das sind dann später diejenigen, die nach allem schlagen was kreucht und fleucht oder die Giftspritze rausholen weil ja alles soooo gefährlich ist.

3 years ago

nö, die freuen sich dann wenn ihr nicht mehr die eltern seid

3 years ago

Neee, andere “Strafe” androhen hilft mehr. Taschengeld kürzen, oder Handyentzug

3 years ago
Reply to  XObelixxxx

Punishment is nothing but scaring, isn’t it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Barney123

Yeah, because with reason you don’t get on with children.

3 years ago

This is a little bit more complicated, actually much more complicated!

Children cannot react reasonably in the age of about a year! Right! They have to learn that! Through appropriate education! And they start very early, immediately after the birth, by providing the children well when they are inappropriate and sad, to make sure they feel comfortable and loved, and so that they can build up their original confidence! This trust can then be used to teach the children so that they can only learn to understand what is meant by the said one! In this time to expect the child to understand what is meant by the said is abyss stupid! Therefore, the education must of course go two-track, more precisely three-track:

The expected behaviour is explained with words, and tell me nix, even if they don’t understand everything, you can speak with two years astonishingly reasonable! And then, the positive, expected behavior is enhanced by positive experiences, by recognizing the goals of the child, and by helping (but without exaggerating, the children are supposed to learn and become self-sufficient) their To achieve goals! Undesirable behavior is denied success (once explain that shame words are not acceptable behavior, and then simply ignore). Penalties are not necessary, they will increase the use of chimp words more. And so, on the one hand, the children learn to understand reasonable behavior and language, to act reasonable, and then everything is good!

Anyone who misses this naturally in young years does not need to be surprised that the children are no longer accessible!

3 years ago

Bullshit…… Fear is guaranteed not to improve performance.

3 years ago
Reply to  wilees

Thus the Catholic Church has made people together for centuries

3 years ago
Reply to  DerHans

and basically this is still happening today ….. motto … when you sin you come into the ” hell ” …… Islam also spreads fear and horror…. “

3 years ago
Reply to  wilees

So on a very hot day I thought it was a good idea to dive the head into a mountain river. And yes, I felt a real fear of death! right up to this time, I went on crutches for more than six years. So, physically, it wasn’t so fit now. But the jump over the head of the 50 m high bridge released so much energy that I drove the 50 m back up on my crutches almost in the continuous run! Okay, I got up first half an hour. Paralysis looks different!

I’m not, I jumped from the right edge of the sight! The girl has overcome her fear!

3 years ago

Yeah, it was just about power.

3 years ago

Is that what I wrote in other words? With this, the abused children could also be put as a “school”.

3 years ago

The confessions served to obey the human beings so that one could make a bad conscience more specifically

3 years ago

I didn’t think so. That’s why they invented confessions. Somehow people had to be stupid.

2 years ago


You learn through joy. Look at youtube andre star.