Ist es eine gute Idee die Branche zu wechseln von Maschinenbau zu Chemie?
ich habe in der Chemiebranche ein Jobangebot bekommen. In einer Raffinerie kann ich als Chemietechniker arbeiten. ich werde zum chemietechniker weitergebildet. ausbildung wird bezahlt. benefits sind gut. ich würde nur am anfang 200€ brutto im monat weniger verdienen als jetzt. aber dafür sind die zulagen für sonntag, nacht und feiertag höher.
Soll ich einen Quereinstieg zur Chemie machen trotz 200€ brutto (im grundgehalt) weniger als jetzt?
What are you doing now?
Are you happy with what you’re doing?
Supplements for Sunday, night and holidays mean that you also have to work on Sunday and night and on holidays. This is a not inconsiderable hook – especially for family life.
How will your salary develop in the chemical industry? Do you have any promises? We will develop your salary with your current employer?
How sure are your current and potential jobs?
How’s it going with my colleagues? (operating climate)
How far is your daily work path current and possibly in the future?
=> I have not yet understood why you want to change if you need to make less merit and also night shifts etc.?? It seems completely illogical to me. But you will certainly have reasons. For an honest advice, however, you should expose all your motives and your starting situation.
The 200 you get less now are just the entrance. The end of the flag bar is probably not yet reached.
what do you mean, good or bad?
Money is not the most important in this income size. I decide for the job that offers me the better operating climate, more fulfillment and better development opportunities.