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Hallo, ich war bereits in Japan. In Tokyo und Umgebung, Osaka, Kyoto und beim Mt Fuji. Jetzt plane ich die nächste Rundreise und wollte Mal fragen, was es noch für schöne Orte auf der Hauptinsel gibt in Richtung Fukushima oder ab Kyoto un Richtung Hiroshima
Generally, it’s never a good idea to emigrate if you don’t know a country or not properly. It is best to go there for a few months without obligation, as a tourist. Then you would also directly understand that you could completely delete the term “capitalist” from your question. For it can be lived in Vietnam both with and without money, but only if you like it and it is definitely different than in Europe.
If the capitalist means that you have a fat bank account, you will take up with open arms almost everywhere. Money trumps everywhere. It’s just not always advisable to let the wealth hang out, depending on the country, you might soon have unsightly encounters with criminals. Therefore first thoroughly inform about land and people, then decide.
No, and they won’t wait for you there either.
Yes, it is.