Ist es eine Erlösung für diese Menschen, wenn sie sterben?

Vor kurzem hat die Polizei eine Borderline-Frau erschossen, weil sie gewalttätig war.

Jetzt starb sie und schläft sie friedlich.

Ist das nicht besser als ca 40-50 Jahren Elend und gestörtes Leben?

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5 months ago

You should never judge something from which you yourself have no idea because you don’t know.

As an example.

I was paralyzed all over the body for about 24 hours. So I really couldn’t do anything. Not even blink. Don’t lift the little finger. Just nothing.

For me, these 24 hours were the hell because I knew it differently. Was generally very sporty, etc. And then being so caught in my own body was really a hell of experience for me.

I thought about it, too, as people are holding it that lasts.

Until I met someone who could not do anything. I talked to him a lot. This was a couple of years after my experience with this paralysis.

Anyway, this man was really happy. He had a completely different look at it than I did.

Why I tell you this is simple.

No matter how bad you imagined it or how bad it was for you, if you had a similar experience as I did. That doesn’t mean it’s so terrible for someone else.

And that is precisely why there should be no more explicit decision on this. Not someone who has no idea of the particular problem because it does not affect him.

You can be wrong. Even if you can’t imagine it.

5 months ago

It comes to people. There will be people for whom there will be a redemption, for others not.

5 months ago

Ask in what locker the Taser were, but must be like that.

5 months ago

We cannot judge this!

5 months ago

I don’t think it’s up to us to judge whether death is better for a certain person than life.

4 months ago

You can’t generalize that, let alone judge from the outside.

Borderline is treatable and also with a BPS you can live a fulfilled life.

I have a BPS myself and would definitely have answered your question with Yes a few years ago. Definitely not anymore.

Where did you get the information about this happening?

5 months ago

Just because you have Borderline, you don’t automatically have a miserable, disturbed life. Unfortunately, your assessment is extremely flat-rate.

5 months ago

It would be fair to decide whether someone else should live. Only the person can decide for himself.

5 months ago

Not everyone with BPS has a fucking life…

That’s why it’s a pity that happened there.

5 months ago

Just because you have a (psychic) disease, you don’t automatically live “in misery”