Ist es ein Indiz, für eine Narzisstische Persönlichkeitsstörung wenn jemand nur Kritik an allem und jedem äussert, und selbst aber extrem empfindlich auf Kri?
tik reagiert?
tik reagiert?
Ich bin 14 Jahre alt und wurde vor einem halben Jahr mit einer Vape erwischt. Meine Mutter war sehr enttäuscht von mir und vertraut mir seitdem nicht mehr. Ich möchte ihr sagen, dass ich es immer noch mache, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich das Gespräch beginnen soll, weil ich Angst habe, dass ich wieder…
Ich, 39, männlich, habe seit nunmehr 5 Tagen Durchfall mit mehr oder weniger starken Bauchschmerzen. Es fing Mittwoch Nacht an mit Unterleibsschmerzen und Durchfall wie Wasser. Gestern morgen war die Konsistenz wieder einigermaßen normal. Seit heute Nacht habe ich periodisch auftretende Schmerzen im Unterbauch mittig gepaart mit wässrigen Durchfall. Da ich an Hypochondrie leider gehe…
Ich bin Ivan 20 Jahre und durchlebe gerade eine downphase… Ich wurde gekündigt, ausgeraubt, habe meine Freundin verloren, habe ungesund gelebt und Probleme ignoriert, habe mich mit meiner Familie verstritten und blaues Auge kassiert, und in dieser Zeit wo man nichts gerissen bekommt entstehen schulden und Probleme, Auseinandersetzungen und immer mehr häuft sich an… Mittlerweile…
Hallo Wie wirkt es bzw hat es überhaupt eine berauschende wirkung? Und ab wie viel mg
It can also be just a personality feature. Not everyone who can’t accept criticism or wants to “go through the wall with the head” and criticises everything and everyone must have a psychiatric condition.
Through all the accidents I have experienced, the driving test was terminated as I had panic fear in vehicles on the counter lane or when large cars have passed us. Then I steered the car to the pedestrian edge and on the side had to make new.I was not allowed to drive 6 weeks. After that it was so bad that I immediately left the car at a crossing. The driving instructor said to me, “I should never drive, the first tree would be the end.” The panic is also there when I travel longer distances in the car as a driver. On a trip to a holiday in a group it was very bad. They had to stop every few kilometers. That’s what other people from the group have eaten, and I don’t take them anymore.
Autsch, I understand that are of course many negative experiences! You shouldn’t have looked for support right after you realize you can’t drive. The longer you have this and the more the head “internalizes” that it really is, the more difficult it will get out of there again. I can only advise you to look for a therapist so you can get it back to drive. It will be hard work, but there are suitable and also promising therapy procedures for your problem. It would be possible!
I can’t start with new doctors or psychologists before I met them if I find them sympathetic or not.
I’ve had everything and explained it. I’ve already written what came out of it.
Psychiatrics are also less suitable for starting trauma therapy. This is a place to stabilise and then go home as soon as possible. For everything else, you should look for a suitable specialist clinic. Normally, before recording, you will only get a pre-conference, where you can get to know the doctor or the psychologist, for example, and you can go easy.
In the psychiatry they talked for two days and then a confrontation. I didn’t think that was going to take my life at home.
Some specialist clinics also offer repeated recordings that you can take a look at the concept and the team for your first stay and then decide to go home again or not. The trauma clinics are highly specialized and oriented.
There I was.
That made everything worse than it was.
I’m so sorry! Therapists are always different as they work and how they themselves are. Maybe you just had the wrong therapist?
For example, you could also make a stationary trauma therapy, then you would be in a protected environment, in a specialist clinic (No psychiatric!)
had you had bad experiences?
I have, because I’ve been told what’s going on. I canceled it right away. I remember what happened to my therapist and I haven’t forgotten it until today.
then speaks more of a complex PTBS
there would be classic trauma therapy the means of choice, if you can rely on it. But at least I can tell you that you don’t have to be afraid of it. The therapy is usually very gentle and it starts with the therapist, after which it is about stability
The deadly accident brought everything back twice and three times.
ok, that makes EMDR difficult:(
there is too much
The car accident of my little friend lies with sexual abuse and sexual violence that began 1 year before. That’s 3 subjects trauma.
Today I don’t need a car anymore, I needed it at least 30 years ago.
No, you’ll need real trauma therapy.
But EMDR could help you with the fear of driving. It is hard to explain, with the help of thinking and eye movements, the brain is stimulated to process. Sounds a bit strange, but it can help well and quickly.
What is EMDR? But nothing goes against the trauma of childhood and sexual abuse as a child and that goes through all my life.
for exactly this, there is psychotherapy, maybe you can also get to EMDR quickly and easily, that you can take part in road traffic normally again soon
I can’t even be a passenger without panic on intercourse. This is always the case on short and long trips. But the driver told me every time it doesn’t work, we take a break, whenever we go to congresses it was like that. There is also a problem to cross the road. I have the problems with every vehicle.
Yes, it is, however, not a sufficient criterion. It is also a typical sign for autists.
What do you think?
The described features frequently occur in Narzists and frequently in Autists (and still in others). The presence of these features alone does not permit a clear assignment.
Good morning
The Germans are as stupid as they wanted to storm the Reichstag and make the Americans go.
That’s right.
He said at the time that he was stolen from the profit of the choice, and he heated others that then the capitol was strangled. They wanted to get the election result to prove that Trump won the elections.
Narcism, autism, ADHD … have fluent transitions and partly common features.
Typical feature (also not sufficiently but quite typical) of autism are a first-class sense of orientation and the inability to forget details that no one else remembers. There was a test at an autist (already diagnosed) who had never seen London. He flew over the center of London in a helicopter. Then he drew a picture with everything he had seen. Even the number of windows in the high-rise buildings was correct.
ADHS is more known for the inability to concentrate and for tantrums of the most extreme. This often also involves learning difficulties. The guys just think differently. It doesn’t make her stupid, but the perception from outside is often the same.
Narcism is characterized by feeling always as the (at least spiritual) superior. The others are so stupid…
By the way, a full-blooded narcissist can be recognized by the fact that he admits openly to be a fool. This insight is still missing by Trump, there is actually still air up.
The social behaviour of all three types is very difficult. The fool doesn’t care, he likes himself in the asshole role. If he succeeds, he doesn’t just want to be winners. He wants to see the others lose. And more or less frequently, he admits it openly. If he loses, he’ll never blame himself. And at all… is he actually the winner (wh… how was that again with Trump????).
Autism was established with him, after a long test. AHDS was excluded from him. AHDS was found with his mother, but it was quite late. She was over 20 years old.
Could it be that he also has an ADHD? My son has similar features. It’s almost 20. It is also quite fixed, but not on trains but generally on metal (also musical, but it has from me).
He always has to close the door. The key must always be in a place where he does not know where he is. He also ran out of the kindergarten and had to be searched by the police.
He probably has a first-class orientation.
My granddaughter is autist, he hasn’t spoken since the 3 year on trains and went to the station at night without anyone getting it.
Can also be Borderline.
I got the above seven years ago
It’s with one of the signs.
Yes. See Donald Trump.
Correct, it’s typical signs. However, these signs are not sufficient for a diagnosis. Trump is also adding his tendency to self-representation and personal attacks. His constant lies also speak volumes.
Trump should also publish a health review. Just like the Harris did this now.
The psychiatrist would never have created such an opinion….
Only that he can choose which criteria are taken into account in the opinion, as there are no provisions for the non-committal opinion. And I really don’t want to read his psycho part, but Dolores Umbridge is probably still harmless. Stephen King (a master of horror) said about Dolores Umbridge that he was afraid of her.
more borderline