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6 months ago

In principle, gas pipelines should be tight and not so easy to leak.

Whether the idea with the bearing is good under a gas pipeline then depends on factors other than the content of the pipeline.

Usually these rounds are. This means that there is hardly any good protection from rain. But they donate shadows. So depending on what you want to protect yourself from and if no better alternatives are available, it can be a good idea.

The bearing fire is insignificant because pipelines should be made of non-flammable material and the heating should not tang the gas in the line. In addition, in a campfire above the fire, usually enough air is up to an obstacle so that this fire can also fulfill its function.

6 months ago

Excellent, but: equal to how many stupid things would eliminate it, it grows on a strike three times as many after…

6 months ago

Yeah, that’s a very good idea. … if it remains with the idea.

To do it, it doesn’t make any sense. A pipeline does not offer any protection against whatever.

6 months ago

Don’t you come.