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2 years ago

Some will find that cool, but the majority will not care in the best case. It’s just a diet, nothing to define.

For me, this is rather a questionable reason for a vegan way of life. But if it makes you happy…

2 years ago
Reply to  ichmagrotwein

Maybe I misunderstood the question – just because it’s cool, I think it’s a bit doubtful. But it is actually a good thing, I agree with you.

2 years ago

It have you not been theoretically cool if you would do it in a responsible and informed way.

It is virtually not cool, because most vegans (in my environment) unfortunately have much too little plan of biology and other natural sciences to actually feed themselves healthy. If they were stable cattle, they would have to reimburse an ad because of non-article attitude.

It is also not cool, because especially the most uninformed among the vegans (in my environment) put on the most complete missionary zeal, all nerve it, and also raise their children in self-determined malnutrition.

It is also not cool, because responsible and important animal husbandry has its place in the nutrient chain and organic farming.

Cool have you not been, very much vegetables etc. and only very moderately to eat meat while supporting a healthy and sustainable diet and production without placing the ideology about biology.

2 years ago
Reply to  MeinNeuerName

without putting the ideology on biology

But for example, I don’t know a vegetarian who would put the ideology on biology. The vegetarians often deal more intensively with scientific topics, as a mixed artist. Whoever eats animal products besides herbal, is considered a blender. Mixed chefs usually question more rarely what they actually eat where the food comes from and whether it is really healthy food.

And then there was still the question why we should support a sustainable diet? The vegetarians do that automatically. Vegetarians support a sustainable diet by their lifestyle alone.

2 years ago
Reply to  berndsporrer

I can only speak from my own experience. I know exactly a Vegan, who has extensively informed and also the necessary knowledge background. It’s also very clear, it’s topfit, but it also takes a lot of time for it, but pulls its thing through without annoying. He has my full respect.

On these ones there are well a dozen trend-vegans who have neither enough knowledge nor time, but buy everything in the supermarket where a ‘vegan’ label pops up, so better if it is organic and gluten-free.

Two women from our acquaintance have already been veganized ready for treatment. After her conversion to veganism, a mother of two children (class of my daughter) has ruined her initially completely normal hopeful children with false diets only healthily, then also with regard to her congitive abilities. It’s really bad. No more concentration, no perseverance, constantly sick, school was thrown, future in the bucket. Primarily due to incorrect diet. Okay, the esotheric rail has probably done a good thing: a dangerous mix, because vegan diet is not a question of faith, but a highly demanding and scientifically complex thing. Such Eso-Vegans, who are still ‘scientific’ at the same time, have hardly any chance.

Conclusion: Being vegan is definitely feasible, but not easy. Unfortunately, many people underestimate this.

2 years ago

Two women from our acquaintance…

And with such rumors you should always be careful. It’s going to be so much. A cleaning lady has recently also swept around everywhere in the neighborhood, the deceased colleague would have been vegan. That’s bullshit! I randomly knew the colleague, who was all at a time life, but certainly not a pronounced vegetarian. So please make sure to take care before pouring out the big bucket clichés over the vegetarians.

2 years ago

Two women from our acquaintance…?

2 years ago

he also gets well-defined, is topfit, but also spends a lot of time on it, but pulls his thing through, completely without annoying ….

That’s what I mean. Because here you have to choose a different conversion key: it is not the majority in this case that can prove that vegetarian vegan food is good or that vegetarian lifestyle is better and more sustainable, but in that case I have to be quite clear and determined on the side of the minority. Even though there are only few people who feed vegetarian vegans, they deserve the full support.

2 years ago

Everyone needs to know. But even though I love animals more than people, I don’t think of anything. In nature everything makes sense (as long as man does not even intervene again and brings them into imbalance and destroys).
And nature has made us people Omnivor. So I think the human being should never face nature and assume its role responsibly in it. Of course, you can reduce meat consumption. But extreme, so in the case of being vegan, are never good.

2 years ago

Yes, vegan is cool

In vegan diet, several things come together: first, it is the belief that the path taken is also the right one, and second, it also makes the routine at some point. In many cases, however, one’s own conviction is not even a primary religious nature, as many think mistakenly, but one’s own conviction is quite often scientific. Vegans often deal more intensively with scientific topics, as mixed artists. Whoever eats animal products besides herbal, is considered a blender. Mixed chefs usually question more rarely what they actually eat where the food comes from and whether it is really healthy food.

But it is also generally expressed a lot among the pseudomoral aspects and many prefer to choose the more comfortable way and simply start to thrive the usual clichés over vegetarians: The vegetarians would only eat the food away from the animals, avocados would be even worse for the climate than meat and organic cows are always happy and very happy if they were finally eaten.

At the latest, there are also some serious social components which may also be dealt with in equally serious consequences. Some people then start to become soft by themselves, because of the social pressure that puts on them, which can be remembered, for example, that people suddenly start to contradict themselves after a short while: First, imagine eating vegetarian on social occasions, then suddenly decide, apparently in favor of their group, and then eat meat or fish. For me, the fish is also an animal that wants to live as much as all other animals. So, for example, I belong to the category of people who can get bored quite quickly on such occasions.

2 years ago
Reply to  berndsporrer

For me, the fish is also an animal that wants to live as much as all other animals.

Besides, of course, the farm animals that frighten on the field when planting.

2 years ago
Reply to  wickedsick05

Besides, of course, the farm animals that frighten on the field when planting.

This was the last century, but arable animals were still used. Today there are the machines.

2 years ago

Nee, the field rabbit is still poisoned, broken

Yes, but this can happen in feed cultivation, i.e. the production of animal food.

2 years ago

Nee, the field bunny is still poisoned, fragmented and chopped to the inconspicuousness.

2 years ago

This is always in the eye of the viewer whether something is cool or not

2 years ago

Depending on the approach

There are people who are smart enough and find it cool

Then there is the rest that needs his KG meat every day because you are not a real guy 🤦 ♂️ ♂️

2 years ago


2 years ago

In any case, it’s good for you and the environment, so it’s kind of cool.

2 years ago

No, most of them are ridiculous.

2 years ago
Reply to  ichmagrotwein

It’s not even healthy yet.

2 years ago

Interesting article.

Two. It would be new to me that antidepressants are fed to farm animals. If this is the case in the United States, I cannot comment on it. However, if you take antidepressants, they enter the waters via the sewage treatment plant and are then of course detectable in fish. Think!

3.4.5. In modern milking plants, the udders are cleaned before milking and clean milk is obtained. The health of cows is safely monitored better in large stocks than in small stocks.

7. In this case, genetically modified feed or other plants were fed which were treated improperly. But if it is written that the animals have eaten plants, what do you think a vegan is taking?

8.Hormone you will not find in German products. If you have removed German animal husbandry, it is imported from America and there it is in.

As a vegan, you’re sober that the hormones come into the flesh.

9.Cholesterol is good and bad. That which is in it does not say much yet, as it is certainly changed when preparing.

10.if you heat unsaturated vegetable fats …

and in the flesh should that be harmful? In any case, not more harmful than in the vegan frying pan.

11.Bacteria and Virus What did the people who ate the organic sprouts die?

12. Nitrate of vegetables is converted into nitrite in the body and causes the same as the salt

13. Now you want to ban me the chocolate!

14.Which animal are administered blood pressure sinks? They were not found in the meat, but only in the fish! They will probably have come into the water through the wastewaters of the sewage treatment plant.

15.It’s amazing! Animal proteins in meat! Something like that!

16.Black metals from industry and mining can be found in marine products ….

Then eat Bavarian beef. There it will be rare.

17.Dioxins come into animals by feeding.

Then let’s become vegans and eat the chicken food directly! Is that better for dioxin intake?

Except for 1st and 6th, I cannot answer because I am not competent enough.

Let’s do it like the baby. Let’s play with the rabbit.(from 9 cholesterol) Have you ever played with a rabbit? Or is rabbit keeping not vegan for your own pleasure?

2 years ago

Ecofreaks Page

2 years ago
2 years ago

You know the German bureaucracy badly. It is precisely documented and controlled how many antibiotics are used. Their use has been declining for years.

Think why you’re being lied to! How many kilos of pills do you need to “close” an 800 kg cow? And then compare it with the consumption of medicine.

Milk from inflamed oysters is not viable and must not be sold. This is also investigated in milk collection.

For poor milk quality, the producer gets a worse price. Since milk production cannot generate a great deal of profit, a large part of the surplus is eliminated in price withdrawal. It also threatens a multi-month supply ban.Therefore no farmer can afford to produce a poor milk quality.

2 years ago

Oh yes, and eating animals that were stuffed with antibiotics and other pills before slaughter and milk, which comes from partly inflammatory, icing oysters is mega healthy!

2 years ago

No is not cool, you should not feed yourself vegan to jump on a trend.

2 years ago
Reply to  Suffes

So you should wait until the “Trend” is over and then live vegan if you have it before? To be on vogue?

2 years ago

You should feed yourself vegan if you think it is right, I just find it ridiculous to eat vegan to follow a trend. You can eat vegan even if there is trend, it’s just not worth talking.

2 years ago

Then write immediately;)

Yes, it is & indeed on many levels.

2 years ago

What’s cool about that? It’s an attitude I’ll have for a lifetime.

2 years ago
Reply to  ichmagrotwein

I do it for the animals to not support enslavement to animals and not to be “cool”

2 years ago
Reply to  svpv018

But why can’t you find his attitude cool?

2 years ago
Reply to  Sunnybull

I stand to my attitude, but why should I feel kind of cool to feed myself

2 years ago

Press the thumbs, and please don’t think long. At any time, animals are at the slaughterhouse which must be slaughtered. It’s not so hard if you have problems knowing what you can cook, I can recommend the Mobile App: “Simple Vegan” or “PETA Shopping Guide”. Simplifies the work and instructions are directly under it.

2 years ago

Sorry, my mistake. I’m unfamiliar to write, but I agree with you. It is certainly better to consume than animal products

2 years ago

It is simply advantageous not to support enslavement to animals. I don’t have a plan what you understand under the word “cool”.

2 years ago

Almost vegetarian with a little bit of meat: Every doctor would agree. As you do now, it’s cool.

2 years ago

Yes, how could it not be?

2 years ago

No, an ethical, ecological and health dead end

2 years ago

I’ll always be an all-eater. I keep distance from vegans

2 years ago

You have to decide.

I eat vegan because animals are more important to me than a fast carving in between.

Why are you eating vegan?

2 years ago

I don’t think it’s cool….

do as you think I enjoy my carving, my bratwurst and also nen black forests

2 years ago

Your vocabulary is misleading.

Bizarr, how many extra media vegans not only take to themselves, but also make advertising for them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tiffanylegtlos

The video is so disgusting. Especially funny in 2:53 “believes that viamin A is found in carrots”.

2 years ago

That might be cool, but is it smart?

That’s because it’s cool: smoking, motorbike driving, vegan, air conditioning on,

This is not cool: learning Fridays, working, resisting group forcedness, paying taxes, saving climate

2 years ago

because man is an all-eater, I don’t think it’s cool.

I want a carving, just like cauliflower or broccoli

2 years ago
Reply to  data2309

The human being as an all-eater is just a pseudonorm. The recommendations for a healthy diet today even go towards 500 grams of vegetables daily and only very little, very rare or no more meat.

2 years ago
Reply to  berndsporrer


2 years ago


You can just google in on the internet search machine, that’s not hard.

And the recommendations go very clearly towards 500 grams of vegetables daily and it is not different.

2 years ago

As GUT is or can be vegan diet, you can google.

2 years ago

No, it’s not, you’ve only got nasty, that’s all again a trend, 90% of people will be no longer than 1 year anyway.


2 years ago
Reply to  ichmagrotwein

Most of the people I know tried but failed.

2 years ago
Reply to  grossesding700

The 90s have called and want to return their refuted counter-arguments

2 years ago
Reply to  grossesding700

It’s all bullshit! Think better. You know how much high performance sports exclusively vegan lives. The attitude is absolutely outdated!

2 years ago
Reply to  Sunnybull

I don’t know that either.

a lot of the turkeys eat. I don’t know a vegan.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sunnybull

Vegan is

2 years ago
Reply to  grossesding700

No, here you have to choose a different conversion key: because in this case it is not the majority that can prove that vegetarian vegan food is good or that vegetarian lifestyle is better and more sustainable, but in that case I have to be quite clear and determined on the side of the minority. Even though there are only few people who feed vegetarian vegans, they deserve the full support.

2 years ago

can be, in most people cut it just thick air behind the words or promise.

2 years ago

That’s not cool at all, cool is a juicy beef steak 😋

2 years ago
Reply to  ichmagrotwein

Suffering and dying? This is the course of things, either you eat or eat.

2 years ago

You and I

2 years ago

You don’t need meat

You don’t need veganism that’s proven.

2 years ago

And don’t let me eat my meat once or twice a week.

2 years ago

Scientific studies prove that you need meat. Find out and get ready.