Ist es besser wenn ich meine Skin care Routine lasse?
Hatte davor eigentlich gute Haut und bekam 1 Pickel in einem Monat oder sogar seltener. Wollte Skin care probieren um komplette bessere haut zu bekommen aber es hat die haut einfach nur verschlimmert bzw. hab ich überall Unreinheiten und Pickel.
Sollte ich es lassen und nur auf meine Ernährung schauen?
Yes, that clearly suggests the result.
Probably totally minded— Your skin doesn’t need the whole quark.
Do you want me to just leave it and use Nivea moisturizer a few times?
Well, you’re 13 and that’s an age when the pimps often start. The difficulty is that you don’t know how it went without this Skin Care. Maybe you’ve just been “pickelzeit.” Maybe they’d be even worse if you didn’t use Skin Care.
The assumption that something has a causal connection because it has a temporal connection is called “Post hoc, ergo propter hoc” (“After something, that is because of something”). This assumption without further evidence applies scientifically as a logic error.
Let Skin Care go away and if it’s getting better again, then you might suspect a connection.
Ok I’ll make thank you
KP, what the stuff does with you or not, but I don’t know anyone who got really better skin through any “skincare” history. Many talk only to justify the enormous expenditure, or they believe in the threats of the cosmetics industry that everything would be much worse, they would not use the stuff.
What does it say to dispense with the stuff for 4 weeks and to see if it really gets worse?
I started a week and I already see better results without products just feed well and make sport.
Nothing makes the skin age faster than UV and dry skin if you really want to have good skin in 10-20 years, you should always cream when you go out, even in winter. To get dirt and sunscreen in the evening, use a wash gel and then use a moisturizer. You probably have too fat skin and a moisturizer that is too fat. It’s hard to say I don’t know what products you use at which time and how often. If you are too much on a daily basis, then make it at least when the sun shines, even if you only go out 10-20 minutes, then you prevent age stains and mothermals that many in the 30-40gers try to get rid of again. Between 10 and 21, the body still has to get used to the hormone conversion, so you’ll get pimples again or again.
First to conduct Cause Research, then the right solution. Who knows if you have allergies or intolerances.
Yeah, leave it. Why do you want to make chemistry on your skin, if it’s good?
Water and nutrition is more important
Okay, I’ll do
Yes, leave it.
Let go and do it as before.