Ist es aussichtslos, meine beste Freundin zu überreden?


Ihr kennt das sicher, dass ihr gerne mit Freunden in den Urlaub fliegen wollt. Meine beste Freundin hat Flugangst. Sie sagt, sie würde gerne in exotische Länder, aber das Fliegen stellt ein Problem dar. Ich weiß nicht, was ich machen soll. Ich würde gerne nach Dubai fliegen, aber mit dem Schiff dauert das ewig.

Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit Flugangst?Konnten ihr diese Leute überreden?


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9 years ago

If the fear of flight is very strong, the gang to the doctor is recommended, as there is the possibility of doing so.

If the fear of flight is not too strong, it helps to take a lot of time before departure. Cosy to the terminal, look around, relaxing music or favorite music in the ear.
You should also not shy the money and book a place (Lufthansa takes 10 euros per place reservation) and possibly sit at the gang. Central seats are recommended, because the movement of the aircraft is not perceived as intensely as in other places.

Otherwise, the confrontation is probably the best way to deal with flight fear. Perhaps you can also call an airport nearby if there is the possibility of a visit?

In any case, fears or phobias should always be taken seriously. In the case of cases, this can go so far that people hyperventilate or more.

9 years ago

Why don’t you take a little round flight over the city with her if you can do something like this?

9 years ago
Reply to  Mrsaquamarine

Believe me, a flight in a small plane is not comparable to a large passenger plane. Such a Piper Arrow weighs not even 2000kg and, for example, a Boeing 777-300 weighs around 225,000kg and has a thrust of 569000 Newton 😉

9 years ago

If she is so afraid of it, she will surely avoid it, so do not fly.

Gff. a cruise there, but that takes a long time and is expensive.

9 years ago
Reply to  StrongHeart

Much light helps when you go to an aviation museum she sees how planes have developed and techn. Working, because if you know how something works you have no fear of being in the air in general, it will be difficult for you to overcome it.