Ist es auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt noch sicher?


heutzutage muss man Angst vor Anschlägen auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt haben.

Ich überlege wirklich, ob ich überhaupt noch hingehen soll. Überall sieht man schwer bewaffnete Polizisten und die Merkelpoller sind auch schon ausgefahren.

Ist die Gefahr vor Anschlägen groß?

Ist man noch sicher?

Wirkt das Angebot, ein Messer gegen ein Netflix-Abo zu tauschen?


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3 months ago

What you’re describing is a pretty well-known ‘problem’ due to our media coverage, so I’ve copied you a response from me, which should fit quite well because bad news sometimes burdens us very much, even if we haven’t experienced it personally.

On the one hand, there are mass news that simply flood our psyche and perception away, through the many possibilities of the media today, i.e. cell phone, television, radio, even in the subway and co. they are simply gone constantlypresänt in our lives and is therefore hardly possible for us to get something NOT with, except one lives in the middle of nowhere and has no elecronics around and nothing is going. Then, of course, headlines come to the other Corona, Russia and Ukraine, Isreal etc. The list does not take off and is felt a passing, also comes the next thing our psyche does not give any real break.

That burdens us negative things is nothing new, because often our body reacts with fear of such messages, i.e. cortisol and adrenaline is produced, which in evolution makes our bodies more efficient for fleeing or fighting, but these reactions stay out when we look at the phone or are in front of the TV. So our fears are in vain, which makes our body simply stick away in stress and keeps us constantly alert.

It is also nothing new that our attention reacts more strongly to something negative than to something postive, because our mind is focused on keeping an eye out for dangers, that is quite natural, that is why one also remembers bad things rather than good things.

Through all these things, however, we get into long-lasting stress and in this episode even more is looking for negative headlines and in cell phones it can even be forced. It’s called doomscrolling.

And media also use this. As we react more strongly to negatives than to positive ones, in the media more negatively, i.e. negative headlines take over the overhand rather than positive ones, which is just good for their quotas, why for example talk about a new nature reserve, if you can report on the ongoing war or on your subject are attacks on Christmas markets, which are certainly not the only ones. According to studies, we see the world even worse than it actually is, which of course does not mean that what is shown is not so bad that one does not want to argue here. But by this we could think that certain things, for example, 5, 10 or 20 years ago, are not so bad, it is simply away from the many possibilities of the media. In the past 3400 years, it is supposed to have ruled 268 years without war in the world, that one can see something like world peace is quite rare and that is unfortunately also no rarity.

Thus, glotting and dan Kotzen is stupid, but not unusual, because this lasting tenseness and worries that you can get can be so severely relieved that it can end up in mental disorders, in which case, on average, most are already preloaded, for example, by anxiety disorders, which are then also relapsed by negative impact lines.

The Christmas market is not more dangerous than before, let’s say 20 years ago, we simply remembered them differently and earlier the media had not felt 24/7 around them.
You can theoretically be hit by a car tomorrow, so you don’t leave the house anymore.
The worst is actually if fears hold one of something you like or love, although there is no reason for it.
Security will always be increased in such markets and the armed police and co. are for this because nothing happens to you and can intervene as soon as possible.

3 months ago

In Krefeld and in Mönchengladbach city centre as well as all the public Christmas markets have actually been strengthened and become much safer. This means Owus, police, more security men and more staff. There are also signs hanging like No firearms allowed. And there is also no glass ban. Here you can check it.

3 months ago

When was the last attack?

How many of the 84 million inhabitants of Germany go to Christmas markets?

Berlin was 2016 .. and since?

The headline was an incident in Augsburg, where a German glowing wine enjoyment had created itself with people with a migration background. And one hit him, he fell unhappy, and dead. What the press has written all about the terrorist attack on unrestrained Germans until it became clear who had started and that he was just a counterreaction, perhaps more violent than necessary .. but nothing that can happen in a Bavarian beer tent between locals as well.

But now everything is safe… (Ironie) .. now these signs are on the Frankfurt Christmas market;

only after 22h .. there you can take the machetes back…

3 months ago

Same danger as always, especially through pocket thieves and on the way home by busy car drivers.

3 months ago

I definitely think

3 months ago

It’s always been. You obviously lack media competence and the corresponding assessment and do not trust any statistics you have not “beautified” yourself.

3 months ago

Yeah, it is.

Most deaths happen at home.

3 months ago

I won’t go there. Fear

3 months ago
Reply to  LordAnil

Then make sure you don’t get fatal at home. This is much more likely than to be attacked on the Christmas market.

3 months ago
Reply to  LeWe23

I’ve never seen anything happen at home. And I’ll tell you! 1. Christmas market will have been my last time! I’m sure

3 months ago

This can also happen to you at home. It’s even more likely than on the Christmas market.

3 months ago

It is better to be stabbed by a knife

3 months ago

Well, then you’d like to stay at home. Have fun!

Of course, no fatal accident has happened to you at home, because then you would be dead and could not post here.

It’s enough to slip in the shower. You can die. You can also break the neck when you fall out of bed or fall down the stairs and die. You can drown in the bathtub, get a fire around the bed or suffer a deadly power stroke.

All this is more likely than being killed when an event is visited.

3 months ago

I can trade my knife for a Netflixabo??

3 months ago
Reply to  Mauretanien

That was actually a proposal from the president of the police union. Just 3 months old (not the President, but the proposal)

As he came up with this idea, is not handed over, but maybe someone writes a book about where to read it.