…ist es asozial, den Müll einfach…?

…auf den Boden zu stellen anstatt ihn in der vorgesehenen Tonne zu entsorgen (obwohl die nur ein paar Meter entfernt steht) bzw. auch Sperrmüll einfach auf die Mülltonne als “Ablageort” zu legen ? Oder auch gelbe Säcke einfach im Treppenhaus stehen zu lassen ?

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5 years ago

Good question!

I think it’s social, because the other tenants are being harassed with it.

The one just makes it at the expense of others. This has nothing to do with social behavior.

Just today I had the case again: on the way to the garbage site there was a large old refrigerator in the middle of the footpath. Just put down there…

I can’t believe this ignorance. I have understanding for people who don’t have a car to take their garbage away or who don’t have money to let it pick up, but there must be other solutions than just putting this bulkhead on the way…?

Something seems to be wrong with the garbage concept if so much bulking waste is stored wild somewhere. Previously, bulking was picked up free every couple of weeks, there were no problems. I think that some people are simply overwhelmed with their own lives, and that is why they come to such outbreaks. I can’t explain this to myself…

5 years ago
Reply to  RAIM25

Yes, I always seem to be the only one in the apartment block that is even interested in it. I’m always the one who calls the house administration… just frightening the ignorance. How dead are people actually that they don’t get anything around??

5 years ago

Of course it’s assligious.

5 years ago

Yeah, it is. After all, someone else will do it for you, although it would have been your job.

5 years ago

Yeah, it is.

Oubyi, UserMod Light
5 years ago

Yeah, it is.

5 years ago

Of course, it’s a social one, but we seem to live in a real Assi society, because otherwise you can’t explain that so many contemporaries throw their dirt into the landscape.

5 years ago

I live with us in the village centre and every day I take garbage out of my garden that was thrown over the fence. Diapers, washcloths, Actimel.

So… I think it’s a social one.

5 years ago

Extremely associal is. You’re going to get rid of the social people.

5 years ago

Yeah, it is. This is pollution, unnecessary laziness, just social.

5 years ago

Short and short: YES

Because someone has to clean up behind you and collect your garbage