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Yeah, because work can be fun.
Professionally, it’s like a six with extra number in the lottery if you enjoy the work.
Private can do fun by preparing work (because, for example, at celebrations).
Answer 1: If it’s not fun, it feels like pure work.
Answer 2: Work should and can also be fun. In the job you like around, you are also the most committed and productive.
If it’s fun, it’s not work – unless you’re trapped. Captured in appointments, agreements, deadlines or the constant after-sales after the next customer, the next deal, the next confirmation. Then it’s work, even if you love it. Work is not only what you are paid for, but what binds you to a particular place, a certain time or a certain hamster wheel.
It gets even worse when you get addicted. Many successful self-employed people speak, they are free, but in reality they cannot exist without their work. They’re junkies with suit or hoodie. Your “Kick” is the next big project, the next challenge, the next level. They burn for what they do until they burn. And then? Then they say sentences like “I can’t change” or “I don’t want to stop at all.” Congratulations, you are not free – you are a workaholic with bliss hormones in continuous rush. And then it is also NO SPASS — even if it seems like that. Then it’s work..
See the topic “Fun instead of work”:
See the topic “addiction, work or fun”:
yes it is, but it is not felt as such, even if one has a certain achievable goal in mind.
Also a hobby can be quite work, LG. :-))
If the job – also – is fun, you have the right job for you.
Of course.
Scientifically speaking, the brain is about to work with mood. 30% more effective. So, especially in cognitive works, joy is beneficial. Also classical music can help. And that the working atmosphere is better when everyone has joy together, is also clear. Of course, even without diligence, there is no price to try and see the result of his efforts is very satisfying.
As a (dein) employer sees, of course, depends on the employer.
Yes, as things that are fun can cost a lot of time and energy.
This is, of course, the absolute ideal case! I think if work is fun, it doesn’t feel (mostly) after work at 🙂
It is the ideal condition when work is fun. 1. You don’t feel work like work and 2. you are usually successful if you like to do what you do.
yes..You bring it to the point 😉
Sure your job stays job and work accordingly but it’s great when it’s fun and feels comfortable in his job.
It is very welcome if any work is fun, yes.
lg up
It’s work when it’s tinned (money brings) udn when it’s fun, that’s a delicious topping.
Yeah, right.
Yes, there is no law to do the work “no fun”!
…and it’s great when she (timely) is fun
If you pay for it, yes