Ist es angemessen so zu Parken?
Hallo miteinander,
Heute habe ich einen Strafzettel an meinem Auto gefunden. Das ich nicht ganz Parallel geparkt habe ist mir bewusst, aber meines empfinden aufjedenfall mehr als angemessen. Nun stellt sich mir die Frage ob einfach jemand seinen Zettel aus Spaß einfach an meinem Auto gehangen hat oder wirklich von einem Polizisten ausgehändigt wurde. Der Zettel war auch schon bisschen zerknittert und wirkt so unseriöser für mich. (Parkplatz kann man ohne Einschränkung nutzen)
Könnte mir jemand weiterhelfen?
Grüße 🙂
Once checks on the rest of the traffic are carried out by the office of order and if they are carried out, the office and the name of the police officer/office officer on the wipe.
The text is obviously written off by a real ticket.
It’s gonna be a self-proclaimed apostle.
Someone can have made a jux and got his ticket stuck with you. If you didn’t stand there without a parking disk or parking ticket, I don’t know what to be warned about due. That you’re crooked and crooked is not Owi.
It looks as if the side distance to the center of the road of over 3 m has not been observed.
Well, hold on to Wuppertal
They’re broke. Need every cent.
Look at what’s coming and what you’re proposing.
That’s not a ticket. You have to wait until the mail comes. If she ever comes.
Only if a sign stands where parking is allowed on the footpath.
if not then this is a combined foot and cycle path and there a car has lost nothing
There is a parking sign.
Is there a holding ban sign? You park perfectly, even in the right direction
Ne is everything correct
Maybe just a fake?
So I think the note is fake. Your police aren’t on it.
There’s a mark on it, on the note. Right?
I’ve never really had, with me in the area, there’s only generic note without additional information.
In fact, without license
No reason?
Wait what’s coming and go with the pictures.
No, have added the post with the note