Ist es ”Absturz” wenn man mit 15 sich vollsauft und raucht?
Und das nicht mal so selten
Und das nicht mal so selten
Mein 4 jähriger, weigert sich komplett gegen Unterhosen, will unbedingt eine windel tragen. Und hat momentan unten rum garnichts an, weil er wie bereits geschrieben die Unterhose nicht anziehen möchte. Er will auch nicht Wasser trinken, weil er dann vielleicht aufs Klo müsste. Was er auch verweigert. Er sagte, er will nicht groß werden, er…
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Hi Leute ich bin 16 und bei mir fängt so langsam immer mehr das Interesse an feiern zu gehen, raus zu gehen etc. Was glaube ich auch normal ist in dem Alter. Jetzt ist aber das Problem das ich zu einem in einem Dorf wohne und zum anderen keine Freunde mit denen ich das machen…
Meine Frau und ich sind seit Juni getrennt. Wir wollen das Trennungsjahr durchziehen wegen der Scheidung die dann hoffentlich folgt. Sie ist auch extrem sauer weil ich keine Kinder will, und ich kann mir keine Zukunft mit ihr vorstellen. Meine Familie kommt aus dem Libanon und wegen der Kultur ist es für sie nicht einfach,…
Was würdet ihr euren Eltern sagen wenn sie fragen woher ihr als minderjährige perso. Zigaretten bekommt? Ohne zuzugeben das man sie von Freunden bekommt
gibt es sowas? möchte damit abschalten können und runterkomen wegen stress
“Slaughter”, I don’t like this term at all in this context.
It is unhealthy and unwise, yes. There is no need for a vote. Smoking and drinking alcohol can be harmful at any age. But the body still develops so young. These are sensitive processes that can be disrupted by alcohol and other drugs. The less and the less often you consume this, the better.
The healthy adult body is only relatively little alcohol.
“Drinking without a risk – is that possible?”, consumption/
Look over here too:
This is a crash but you can get up again
“Death” is a rather unique phenomenon.
If a young person permanently “throws” his remaining life is in danger, not hypothetical, but concrete.
If it still goes: stop and seek help.
Just sad. It means to me that something goes wrong or the parents simply don’t have a real focus on their children…
Most make it out of group forcedness. I think it’s stupid. No one finds this really cool with nem IQ over 70.
Doesn’t have much to do with IQ, but with environment
Especially as a child or, first straight child
I grew up in rather “Ghetto” environment and was always strictly against Alk etc. even if others drank…
Hum I’m out of the scene now. See in any case rare drunk women, generally rare drunken teenagers.
No, so it’s almost more trendy for women, I feel. Or at least equally strong. Unfortunately. It’s just shameful to see something like that.
As a woman, it’s not cool to get the edge. Or is it?
Guys want to be there. Be cool. And don’t have much to be prescribed by parents or law.
In addition, there are also many intelligent people who are distorted of alcohol addiction (or other drug addictions)…
Intelligence is not equal to wisdom
It’s at least nothing to be proud of.
really cool to destroy its body in growth
and the elders have failed
Just shut your mouth
One or two times.
But, “not even so rare” – then yes.
With breakage and then the decline
If you have to puke etc… yes.
LG your finger
definitely crash
And that’s the bad thing that doesn’t seem so rare…
If you say “satisfied,” just stop. ; Now your ‘friends’ may find you cool for it, but trust me, you feel 1000x cooler and crazier when you chill in a round and the only one that is smart and mature enough to not make this crap.
And what you definitely need to make you aware is that people who find good that you destroy are definitely not friends, but rather the opposite.
Just like…
Yes. that will hurt the world when the jugend ticks like that. there is nothing out of men
That’s it.
I agree. Believe you misunderstood me. The ‘satisfied’ refers to the fact that it often occurs
yes, it is
Why don’t you enjoy your childhood / youth first by harmless and sober memories 🙂
Because his ‘friends’ give him for the tornados the recognition he desires, but not gets home from his parents
That’s what it does. 1x 2x 3x times or so it’s all right, but if it’s more often I’d be worried.
But with 1x 2x 3x it starts. Better nothing. I’m 16 and don’t do that,
Without alcohol, it definitely lives better than with alcohol
Yes, but your behaviour is not representative of all others or “good and right”. You should never forget that.
You’re right, it’s been as common with me, but always when it’s over. It’s always a head thing.
Did I say that my behavior is deputy to everyone else?? No! I also know that the majority of the 16-year-olds are working.
Better nothing. I am 16 and do not do it”
So ultimately, yes, you finally claimed and implied.
But it doesn’t matter. I just wanted to say it.
Did I say that?
In a couple of months you’ve been through
And in 10 years, the lungs are wounded, why one has a liver cirrosis and only 50% of its performance is achieved.
in any case. It’s no longer a crash. that is underway
Smoking is available every 15 minutes. “Great” rather not, you have to be more reserved.
I don’t understand climbing, so I can say nix to crash.
Yes, obviously💀
I’m 15, I’ll be 16 soon, and on the basis of your question, it’s as if you’ve never been celebrating. To drink and smoke is relatively normal at the age (although unhealthy and not legal). I personally prefer to drink than to smoke if I smoke at all then maybe 1 cigarette at the weekend. As long as you don’t exaggerate with the alcohol (so you don’t get home or cook after the party) everything is okay. Otherwise you should reduce it.
“Death” is nothing about it, everyone is testing its limits at the age, and we as party-goers do not like it at all when we are called a crash. That’s either people who don’t like the fun, or children who don’t understand the whole ceremonies.
“Your party walkers” like that or not doesn’t matter.
Clearly, no matter how old, you test your boundaries in different areas. As far as normal.
But letting them run regularly and smoking is now a crash. This has no fun to do.
My Opinion: Whoever constantly needs alcohol to have fun is a poor sausage.
If a 15-year-old is just drinking and smoking, it also says a lot about how violently the parents of the individual have to suck on those if they allow such a thing.
Missing steps can lead to a deep hole, but do not have to
In this case, the missteps already form the deep hole💀
I have a different definition of deep.
We’re emitting serial killers, okay? Socially, it is deep. Parents probably don’t even get the smartest in this case.
Yeah, you’re done soon.
On the village normal.
Nothing but unhealthy and everything else than cool
Always this stupid thing, in the village it’s normal”…
That’s it.
A village brother
And in the city? One step deeper in the hole
Knowing one that has already ectasy with 13
And then village children wonder why you are victims for us people from the big city
In fact, it’s not different in the city, I’m just going to nerve this “In the village of Normal”.
When I was 15, it was completely normal that you tried and also heard smoking and drinking. It was the same with my parents. And from us something has become.
There’s no reason to do this than anything else, worse or better today. From 16 onwards, you can legally buy as much beer as you want in Germany. In the past, even the cigarettes were still old.
I finished with 14 for the first time and the alcohol was given by the family. In our “Youth Jew” the Christians called a few weeks later the same thing made with them it was called “comfirmation”.
Is that so, but is that so, you know what? The Low Village IQ