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1 year ago

Well, “same debt” I wouldn’t say. It is also possible that he would have been able to get cancer even without smoking, also more often people who live healthy cancer. So I think it’s too bad to say that he’s himself guilty. But it’s probably he’s wearing a co-pity.

1 year ago

If you consider that there are 40 different poisons in the cigarette smoke, then it can be! And smokers are mostly pleasure people who also take other things!

1 year ago

Another thought: Is the debt question useful? What is the consequence of this: That he deserves less compassion that he has to pay more himself? I don’t think it’s appropriate for a social society…

Finally, as others have written, the question of guilt cannot be resolved. And I would say, in doubt for the defendant. You shouldn’t treat him like he’s guilty.

1 year ago

Cancer can also exist in non-smokers, it depends on the type of cells affected by cancer. High blood pressure and overweight are considered the most important risk factors.

Deficient physical activity gives rise to the risk of renal cancer. A chronic renal insufficiency promotes overall and independent of its cause tumors of this organ.

Of course, smoking can also trigger kidney cancer.

The triggering factors are different.

Bone-like tumors of the kidney can start from different tissues. By far the most common are so-called kidney cell carcinomas, also referred to as kidney carcinoma or adenocarcinoma of the kidney. They account for about 95 percent of all renal tumors and usually stem from the cells of urinary tracts.

In conclusion, the “debt question” is not resolved.


1 year ago

He’s carrying a lot of cognitive. Cancer can also meet the healthiest, but the probability is, of course, much greater in such a case.

1 year ago

He could have increased the risk of getting kidney cancer because he smokes, so to some extent he is also blamed for it.

1 year ago



1 year ago

Yeah, but it’s also his body.

1 year ago

Guilt question doesn’t matter. If he would have avoided it at any price I would have advised him not to smoke

1 year ago

Of course.

1 year ago

If we were to ask Schmidti, the “No” would say. lung cancer and smoker legs e.g. B. get many who don’t smoke at all.

1 year ago

Yes, he is.

1 year ago

can still be sorry to me

1 year ago

Not necessarily 🤷 ♀️

We still don’t know what exactly causes cancer.

There are zig triggers. It is completely inconsistent with a decision.

1 year ago
Reply to  michi57319

It is well known which mechanisms are behind cancer, and it is also known how to minimize the risk.

1 year ago

No, the exact processes are not well known, otherwise you might be able to agree. That’s not the case. If someone smokes, it will be considered as a trigger first.

1 year ago

This is a failure, because fighting cancer is not the same as how to combat viruses or bacteria if you understand the mechanisms behind it. Since we cannot “adherently limit” biological aging (the main reason why cancer is unavoidable), we can at most try to live healthy to not drastically accelerate it. It is obvious that the kidney of the person through smoking has a much higher biological age than it should be, and accordingly he has a responsibility to bear.

1 year ago

Who else?

1 year ago
Reply to  IHateMe251800

Scholz is due

1 year ago
Reply to  Bird797
