Ist Elon Musk gut oder böse?
Seit ich heute mein Konto bei X habe, sehe ich viele neue Sachen und verstehe häufig nicht so ganz um was es geht 😅🙈
Also Elon Musk hat ja voll viel Geld und Twitter gekauft, das heisst jetzt X und viele finden das gut und viele finden das nicht gut 😕
Allgemein finden viele Leute Elon Musk gut und andere finden ihn voll doof 😅
Ist der den jetzt ein Guter oder ein Böser? 🤔
LG Sophia 🍔
People should not be divided into good and evil. There are few things that are relatively clear or evil.
Most actions have both positive and negative effects. This applies even to the things that we humans declare as clearly good or evil.
For example, you can say that there is more freedom of expression on Twitter. However, this also leads to much more nonsense and not nice things being written and shared.
There is no clear answer. You can only decide yourself how to weight the deeds and their effects on your moral scale.
Ok thank you 🫶🏻
Good and evil are subjective values. It can be as good as anyone likes it.
I think Musk is stupid. But here is the intelligence. Whenever I hear him talking, I think I can hear the typical school-class idiot talking. Well, he did the school.
He can sell himself well. For example, speaks unfamiliar with self-confident people (with other opinions) or people with great knowledge about the subject area to be discussed. He also has such a way that many people are convinced.
I find it a pity that he will not be held responsible for his numerous, false promises, exaggerations and lies.
I would say something disturbed