ist eine ziggarette pro tag für das herz schädlich oder kann es das verkraften?
bitte nur experten oder ernste meinungen danke💗
bitte nur experten oder ernste meinungen danke💗
Hi guys, Some of my classmates consume snus with a strength of 65mg nicotine. I looked it up and it's true! I once took a drag on a cigarette that contained 0.8mg nicotine and almost fainted. My question is, how can the body process such a high dose of nicotine? What would happen if someone…
Zunächst möchte ich sagen, dass ich grundsätzlich gegen Drogen (außer man zählt Alkohol und Tabak dazu) bin und mich von solchen Sachen fernhalten. Ich bin heute Nachmittag mit einem guten Bekannten losgezogen um etwas zu trinken. Leider wollte er (als wir schon deutlich angetrunken waren) Drogen ,,ziehen”. Er ist dann losgezogen um einen Dealer zu…
Guten Abend, wie viele von euch wissen mögen,ist es heutzutage möglich den Penis zu verlängern.Ich spreche dabei von der Variante, bei der Bänder duchtrennt werden und Eigenfett in den Penis injiziert wird. Wird der Penis dabei nur im schlaffen Zustand dicker und länger oder auch im erigierten? Bitte antwortet nur, wenn ihr es zu 100%…
So, if I were 60 years old now, for example, and had been smoking since I was 20 (40 years), wouldn't I have a daily panic attack about dying? How does a long-time smoker feel?
Hi, ich hab mir vor kurzem eine neue vape geholt (von RandM tornado7000), ich hatte die schonmal aber dieses mal geht die extremst schnell leer obwohl ich garnicht so viel dran gezogen hab, vllt 1000 Züge und die is schon fast leer. Hatte einer von euch auch schonmal das Problem?
Every cigarette is damaged!
The damage is very diverse.
Cigarettes have an extreme dependence potential. Already the smoke of a single cigarette can cause first symptoms of dependence.
Experiences and statistics show that a cigarette per day does not normally remain. It only starts with that.
E-cigarettes are also mentioned as the subject area. E-cigarettes cannot be compared with conventional cigarettes. No combustion takes place in e-cigarettes. They are not smoked and are comparatively harmless.
but if I would smoke 2 in the week or really only every day 1 that is not as bad as one of the 3-4 smoking on the day or
It’s very bad!
Why…? Because it doesn’t stay.
What you’re writing is just the beginning.
Whether 5 cigarettes a day or 10 a day, the damage is not so different. The damage would not be halved at 5 per day.
Would you like to pay attention to your health? Then stop smoking as long as you can.
That’s just a well-meaning advice. What you do is left to you.
Where’s the difference between “I’m just a bit bad every day” and “I don’t care”?
the difference is only in the period until these damages become noticeable and health problems occur.
limiting it to the heart is just as risky as it seems to harmless or play down, because it is only a per day. Yes, the power of habit leads to dependence. And yes, even a little smoke, leads to deposits in the lung bubbles and to narrowed blood vessels, including coronary arteries, which are supposed to supply the heart with oxygen, thus reducing blood flow from the heart muscle …
do I belong to heart specialists or experts? No, but my general education tells me that…
I hope I could still help
JEDE cigarette is harmful. There’s nothing to shake on that.
Cigarettes contain all possible dirt, including nicotine as a search substance.
Of course, the airways and organs are first affected. But the heart and the rest of the body can also be affected – see the many amputated limbs of smokers.
And yes – also a tipping day can cause this.
Harmful is relative. Worse than…?
One is certainly more harmful than none.
Just let the unhealthy nonsense that brings you absolutely nothing. In English there is a saying: Monkey see, monkey do
In DE: Just don’t touch everything.
Hello! Cigarettes are potentially harmful, not just for the heart. And : Even when smoking a cigarette, about two liters of smoke and 40 carcinogenic substances are released.
But of course, the risk of quantity is proportional and relatively low in quantity.
If it were so easy!! The nicotine of cigarettes ensures a short bliss in the brain for smokers. Endorphine = bliss hormones are also produced, as many of them know from sports.
But quickly, the pleasant noise leads to dependence and the body regularly demands nerve poisoning. The addiction can begin with the first box and a few will never be addicted.
Unfortunately, the addiction does not register. Many chain smokers also started with 1 cigarette a day and chose to be safe
Good Sunday
So if I really stay at 1 per day or 2 in the week it is not harmful or at least less harmful than as with people who smoke more than 3 daily
That is true, at least the risk is lower
The risk is, as far as I know, not proportional to the amount.
I was once in a lecture where a total of 100 and 2 per month were called a limit.
so I don’t have to worry so long I don’t have to complain if icj 2 smoke in the week then nothing can happen so much or
any cigarette is harmful.
Best regards
but would make the strke risk once one on the day or 2 in the week to smoke