Ist eine Verordnung von Krankengymnastik für 20 min nicht zu kurz?

Habe aufgrund einer sehnenscheidenentzündung bei einer physiotherapie 6 sitzungen zu jeweils 20 minuten bekommen. Ist das denn nicht zu kurz und lohnt sich das für 6 sitzungen überhaupt?

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8 months ago

You surely know that this inflammation of the tendon trap is caused by overload (too frequent holding of heavy parts, one-sided continuous long load)

The therapy should support a regeneration of the wrist. Therefore, it would be orthodox if the therapy also becomes a long-lasting stress. As far as I know, in the case of such problems, one should always “release” the respective joint, as it means so beautifully, which is of course not always possible if one continues to work.

There is also a chronic tendonitis that I never had thanks to God. But I had an overleaf myself.

A solid tape has always worked with me. I never took pills. Keep it to some degree. The therapy is nothing more than stretching exercises for the joint on which the tendon clot is ignited.

20 minutes is more than enough. You’ll remember when you do therapy.

8 months ago

It’s too long. The health insurance funds only pay for 15min.