Ist eine Untersuchung für die pille Pflicht?
Hey eine Frage, vielleicht gibt es hier ja auch frauenärzte bzw ihr könnt mir sagen wie es bei euch war. Und zwar muss man sich untersuchen lassen wenn man die pille möchte? Und wie lief euer erster besuch ab bzw wie alt wart ihr?
Of course you have to be examined for this.
Incorrect. Of course, an investigation is not compulsory. Only a corresponding conversation.
There are good reasons why there is no pill without prescription in the pharmacy. There must be at least one anamnese and reconnaissance talk with a female doctor.
Finally, the pill is a serious drug with potentially serious risks and side effects. The pill is not in vain.
After examination and survey of cycle anomalies, medical history, living conditions (e.g. smoking), familial disposition (breast cancer, thrombophlebital events), skin image and body hair, etc., the female physician can weigh whether and which pill comes into question and discuss his assessment with you.
The doctor alone decides which investigations he considers necessary before he orders a prescription drug – after all he must comply with his due diligence.
Perhaps the idea of taking you out and examining intimacy seems embarrassing and unpleasant for the first time. In reality, however, it is quite harmless and just as normal as any other doctor visit.
If you are still a virgin, the female doctor will probably dispense with a vaginal examination at the first appointment (which can be retrieved later) and will already issue a prescription if nothing speaks about it.
Of course, you can basically reject investigations – as a matter of course your female physician can then refuse the prescription if necessary.
Happy for you!
An investigation is generally not obligatory. Only a corresponding conversation. But every doctor’s doing it differently. While some insist on a corresponding examination, others get the pill after a corresponding conversation.
It’s up to the female doctor. You’re probably still quite young. Maybe you’re looking for a female doctor who offers a “Mädchensprechhour”.
I was 20 and I was made a smear as I wanted the copper spiral. But she said that I could get used to using instruments. It was easy.
Regarding the pill: this is a drug. Unfortunately, you get that stuff thrown too fast behind. I’m just glad I never took that. You should first inform yourself well, because most female doctors do not explain it almost well enough. Depends on the doctor. The thing is if something comes out of my investigation, it could be that the pill is nothing for you. You minimize the risk in case of cases
And with me it is so that I would have become almost infertile through the copper spiral. It’s not without, and I wouldn’t take it on the easy shoulder. I also know a lot of people who had real problems with the spiral. Unintentional pregnancy, severe bleeding, etc.