Ist eine Selbsteinweissung in eine Psychiatrie eine gute Idee?
wollte fragen ob eine Selbsteinweissung in eine Psychiatrie eine gute Idee ist ?
hab seit ein paar Monaten gar kein Bock mehr auf mein Leben will es einfach nur noch beenden bin im Job und will einfach nicht Arbeiten.. bin zuhause und hab nichts zu tun schlafe meistens und am Wochenende geb ich mir die Kante und mach irgendwelche Dummheiten, allein schaff ich das nicht denke ich sollte mich einweisen lassen bevor noch was schlimmeres passiert….
It really sounds like it’s going very bad for you right now, and it’s understandable that in this situation you think about putting yourself in a psychiatry. This can actually be a good idea, especially if you realize that you can’t find a way alone and feel that everything will be too much.
In a clinic you would be in a protected room where there are people who understand how you are and can stand by you. There you can find out what’s so burdening you and how you can handle your life step by step. You are not alone there, but are accompanied by professionals who support you and help you find more stability and perhaps more joy in everyday life.
A self-instruction is a courageous decision and can really help you if you don’t see another way. You could either go straight to a psychiatric emergency room or call a clinic to get more information about the admission.
It’s good that you think about finding help. This shows that you are willing to take care of yourself – and this is an important first step.
A self-instruction can be useful in certain situations, especially if you are in a crisis or have serious thoughts to harm yourself. Here are some points to note:
A self-instruction can be useful in certain situations, depending on whether you are in an acute crisis. But here are Ana messages in which an acute suicidal risk may be suspected, but please tend to get out quickly!
Can they keep me longer depending on how I feel?