Ist eine Rechnung ein Kaufvertrag?
Servus, ich habe einen Gebrauchtwagen gekauft bei einem Händler. Da ich nach einem Kaufvertrag fragte hat er mir erklärt das seine Rechnung die er mir geschickt hat (ohne Unterschrift von ihm) auch gleichzeitig als Kaufvertrag gilt. Sondervereinbarungen sind drauf geschrieben aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das so passt. Kann eine Rechnung als Kaufvertrag gelten? Vielen Dank für hilfreiche Antworten 😁
A purchase contract is not form-bound (up to specified exceptions).
See a performer “Here Döner only 4,50 €” this (in the form of advertising) is an invitation to submit an offer (invitatio ad offeringendum).
If you order “a diner with everything and sharp” at the Dönerbude, you have made a purchase offer.
If the Schnetzelmann then gives you the Döner, he accepted your offer by congruent action and fulfilled his part of the business.
Ergo: The business has come about and you are obliged to fulfill the purchase price for numbers.
You’ve already entered into a legal contract.
It can also be concluded by a handshake.
Yes, there are purchase date and price on it, as well as special agreements, then this is considered a purchase agreement. In the case of online purchases, the order confirmation or the invoice is valid as a guarantee certificate.
an invoice is not a purchase contract that comes out much earlier. an invoice is the penultimate link in the chain; then only your payment is missing.
a purchase contract should still be written, as there are further details for purchase.