Ist eine Milchschnitte Wirklich so Ungesund oder oder doch Gesund?

Millionen Mütter geben zb ihren Kindern in die Schule eine Milchschnitte mit ,und auch ich bekam sie als Junger Bub mit in die Schule ! Was ist jetzt dran ? Ist sie total ungesund oder enthält eine Milchschnitte auch wichtige Vitamine was man benötigt ?Antworten bitte von Sachkundigen und nicht auf Vermutungen basiert ! Vielen Dank

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2 years ago

There’s nothing to discuss at all, a milk cut is a candy and nutritionally anything but valuable.

To call a milk cut as healthy because milk is in it would be approximately as appropriate as to call take 2 gummib bears healthy because there are vitamins in it!

In general, there is a simple trick to find out which foods tend to be good and which are rather bad:

  • natural, unprocessed foods are good (meat, fish, milk, fruit vegetables)
  • unnatural, processed foods are bad (chips, pizza, burgers, milk cuts)

Since I have never seen the milk cuts in the wild, I assume that they are unnatural and strongly processed and therefore tend to be rather bad.

I don’t even know how to see it differently. Only if you’ve fallen into marketing.

2 years ago

A milk cut contains:

Fresh VOLLMILCH (40 %), palm oil*, sugar, wheat flour (10.5 %), MAGERMILCHPULVER (9 %), honey (5%), BUTTERREINFETT, VOLLEIPULVER, low-fat cocoa, WEIZENKLEIE, baking agent: disodium diphosphate, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium carbonate; Emulsifier mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, salt, flavors.

Except for the tasty taste, however, there is hardly anything positive about the milk cuts. The high proportion of fat and carbohydrates is not healthy, as well as contains milk cuts of palm oil.

A milk cut has 490 KJ.


1 year ago
Reply to  poppedelfoppe

Kj and kcal are not the same (;

2 years ago
Reply to  poppedelfoppe


Yes, you’re right 490 KJ = 118 Kcal. Almost all that tastes good is unhealthy 😉


2 years ago

contains a lot of sugar, fat, etc. If you want to give your children something healthy, then you should consider fruit, whole grain bread and vegetables (of course, also go on and against something small unhealthy to snack. But as far as I know, there is a ban on sweetness in many kindergartens)

2 years ago

It is a sugar and fat pampe with probably just so small amounts of milk in it that according to food law you can call it “milk” slices. The same is true of other nutrients in terms of quantity.

But hey, it tastes very delicious and sometimes I have to believe a pack. However, once every few months and not even a day and then, but only then, it is not unhealthy either.

2 years ago

Just sugar and chemistry.

But of course you can eat them. We’ve grown up with it.

2 years ago

All nutrients are vital. Vitamins and proteins as well as carbohydrates and fats. It just comes to the amount you eat of it. It is not really healthy in the sense of , should one eat quite often” such as fruit and vegetables, but a balanced diet also includes sweets. If you’d start no fats etc. You’d be sick too.

2 years ago

This is, in principle, combined chemistry with buckling sugar. Not necessarily harmful with moderate enjoyment, but also anything but healthy.

2 years ago

I guess she has certain substances that can be good or bad, depending on the interpretation, but I don’t know exactly.

2 years ago

The ~40% milk in this thing is healthy, the remaining sugar and the vegetable oil are not at all.

There would be a glass of milk with an apple better

2 years ago

Contains too much sugar

2 years ago

Sugar, lots of sugar

2 years ago
2 years ago

read the ingredients list/contents by then the question is unnecessary.