Ist eine ketogene Ernährung teuer?
Ich gebe jeden Tag 6-10€ für Essen aus. Die meisten Lebensmittel, die viel Fett, aber wenige Kohlenhydrate haben, sind teurer, als Lebensmittel, die viele Kohlenhydrate haben. Finde ihr das teuer? Also 6-10€ am Tag?
For me normal. I can buy at the farm shop or the PeKk and the prices are higher than a donut at the net.
Meat and fish in good quality also have their price.
Not the fat content makes a bit expensive, but the quality.
If you want to feed yourself consciously in any form, this now costs more than the pack of baking rolls with 50cent-Lyoner.
195.35 Euro p.m. = 6.51 Euro p.d. = 34.7% d. RB
Calculated our government for:
Since the average is from 6 to 10 8, it would be okay.
Because you don’t smoke.