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Certainly not. Vaccinations protect against diseases and save lives. One thinks, for example, of the tetanus vaccination, diphtheria etc.
Vaccinations are the greatest medical achievement of human history. Anyone who calls them poison has not understood immunology and should leave it to people who are smarter.
No. Even if it were poison, it would be much better for me than child paralysis, tetanus or measles.
for me definitely yes.
my body belongs to me and I strongly reject the coronation
absolutely not. that is scientific breakthrough
Arsen is poison and ravioli from the can for me.
It is an impending and no poison
I’m not on the cross-denk -trip
I think it’s a drug
Certainly not everyone.
People who think it should be left alone.
If an vaccination works, it will protect the vaccinated. If she doesn’t work, why should you get inoculated?
The vaccination that only protects when All inoculate, must first be invented.
Some vaccinations caused the virus to rotate or prevent further reproduction by a high vaccine of more than 95%. TYPE
the vaccination first protects the vaccination itself. Please discuss this in a medical forum.
Again: Please discuss this in a medical forum.
Is that what I think is wrong behind the link?
Hallihallo 🙋🏻,
Of course not.
That vaccinations are poison, many think
thirsty esoterics, empties, vaccinators,
conspiracy theorists, weak,
uninformed blur, etc. … 🤦🏻 ♀️ ♀️ ♀️ ♀️
.. but such an experimental stuff like the Corona vaccines, I won’t let myself be administered.
Greeting, JB 🙂