Ist eine Gleitsichtbrille immer teurer?
Ich brauche eine neue Brille.
Allerdings ist es jetzt soweit, daß ich mit der Einstärkenbrille nicht mehr gut lesen kann (Wörter sind undeutlich).
Ist eine Gleitsichtbrille immer teurer als eine Einstärkenbrille (unabhängig vom Optiker)?
Ich bin übrigens auf dem einen Auge weit.- und auf dem anderen Auge kurzsichtig.
Yes, a gliding spectacle is more and more expensive than a single-strength spectacle, regardless of the optician.
A gliding eyeglass unites 3 viewing zones, and this is the reason that the glasses are more expensive here than only with a long or near eyeglass (the latter is also called reading eyeglasses by way of language).
Finally an answer. Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Can the reconciliation be very difficult for me?
I’ve been wearing glasses all my life.
At the first glasses I was about 6 months old.
I needed a few weeks to get used to my gliding vision. For decades, I had a binoculars. In the gliding view, for example, you look down the stairs – yes through the lower glass area (which is to be seen close). So you always have to take your head to the chest to look through the upper distance. We’re getting used to something. On the side, too, blurring occurs in the gliding glass, which is technically necessary, and is not the case with a single-strength glass.
But I don’t want to miss the gliding vision anymore.