Ist eine Forderung nach mehr Geld und mehr Freizeit miteinander vereinbar?

Am 1. Mai rufen wir Gewerkschaften zu bundesweiten Kundgebungen auf. 2024 steht der 1. Mai unter dem Motto „Mehr Lohn, mehr Freizeit, mehr Sicherheit”. Das sind unsere 3 Kernversprechen.

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10 months ago

By answering this question, you could fill up whole books. So flat-rate – so without defining further framework conditions – you cannot make a clear statement. With regard to the working world of today, this would be possible in some industries. There are, for example, studies that productivity in model tests has risen with a 4-day week, as most workers do not work with full intensity throughout the working day and in many cases the work of 5 days could also be done in 4 days. This does not work in all industries. The world of work then changes dramatically over the next few decades, in particular through technical progress and AI. In many classical professions, fewer workers are needed, but at the same time a huge value added can be created by AI/technics. These are only small examples of the complexity of the subject.

10 months ago

More work and more performance, only that advances Germany. Furthermore, the lack of skilled workers must be compensated.

And security arises when police and justice finally go through the existing laws.

10 months ago

More reward, more leisure, more security

At first glance…. More pay at less work does not work. We have already reached a point where the population no longer wants to pay wage costs with the cost of products/services. Thus, rising wage costs will not contribute to greater security.

At second glance…. yes, that works clearly.
If the wage claim becomes too high, you have much more leisure time that you can spend with finding another job. And that’s safe.

10 months ago

This will not be possible from today to tomorrow, but in the long term the development looks like this.

Take a look at what has happened so far in the working world at higher salaries and lower working hours. The 40-hour week did not happen from the beginning of humanity.

10 months ago

“More wages, more leisure, more security”

These are the dreamers of tomorrow.

What do you want to have more pay and work less for it?

There is no company like this, because the costs are increasing.

I could still understand more security if you were willing to work a little more, then the company could also guarantee security.

10 months ago

Yeah, that’s all right.

There are enough companies that have successfully implemented the experiment for 4 days week without the need for sales

10 months ago

But if it were, it would only be possible to implement outliers.

10 months ago

Economic nonsense.