Ist eine Email Adresse immer an seinen eigenen Namen gebunden, also ein Identitäts nachweis sozusagen?
Oder kann jemand auch eine Email Adresse mit einen anderen Namen besitzen, obwohl dieser mit diesen Namen garnichts zu tun hat, oder es jemanden gibt der genau so heißt wie der Name in dieser Email Adresse ?
Since an email account can be established with a fantasy name, it is unfit as proof of identity.
Moreover, it does not make a good impression at the latest in professional life if the private e-mail account is called “FlotteBiene69”.
It is recommended to have an email account with (Beispile) last name first name or first name last name, if necessary with a nem point in between.
A very serious question: “Was it coincidence or are you that I suspect?”
A relative of us (for good reason, the contact ended about 3 years ago) has exactly this as an email address at GMX!
I’m just saying so much: if you are, then you know now that I’m on GF and above all, why we broke out contact with you, your wife and your mother-in-law!
If not: Please excuse the submission!!! But the similarity is incredible!!!
No, I’m not. The with the nasty bee and the sex position is an example from our documents for new apprentices to be hired. They are pointed out that our management does not want to see such private email addresses for their employees.
Unfortunately, I have already experienced such email addresses in the company. Like SexiHexi71 or Alki23.
I always wonder why people don’t even think about 1 second before sending official emails with such sender.
Thank you. You really wanted to do nothing. It was the irony, I think you understand what I mean.
An e-mail address is not an identity document and can be named as desired. However, free e-mail providers may set other conditions within the scope of their service, such as exclusion of special characters and the like.
I could also set up an email address qwrtzlbrnft123@provider.tld and still would be mine, even if I don’t have Q. Wrtzlbrnft.
No. If you need the email, but for something important, a totally crazy Nickname might not always be a good idea.
Technically everything goes, and probably legally, but google first time after the last name to look that no one is so called, because people have done nothing to you. So I did this on my alternative email address.
It doesn’t matter, but very confusing.
Is not bound to the name