Ist eine E Zigarette weniger schädlich?
Ist sie weniger schädlich als eine ganz normale Zigarette?
Ist sie weniger schädlich als eine ganz normale Zigarette?
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Hat dazu jemand einige aussagekräftige Studien gefunden?
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Yes, the steam is essential less harmful.
In principle should E-cigarettes are less harmful because they contain glycerol, propylene glycol, aromas and nicotine. Nicotine probably doesn’t cause cancer, but makes essentially addictive. Glycerol is an old food additive and safe, propylene glycol is also relatively safe.
It is, of course, best to stop smoking/Vapen. If you take 5-10€ each time for Vapes or Liquid, these in S&P 500 or the like, will probably have a small fortune at some point.
Up to 95x less harmful than normal cigarettes.
An e-cigarette is less harmful than a normal cigarette. Betönung is on “less” that heist it is still harmful.
Both are harmful to your body.
However, e-cigarettes are less harmful than conventional cigarettes because they contain less carcinogenic substances. However, they are not harmless, especially due to nicotine content and potential respiratory problems. Long-term consequences have not yet been extensively explored, which is why caution is necessary, especially in young people and people who have not smoked so far. For non-smokers and young people, e-cigarettes are therefore not a safe alternative.
in any case
Wrong, how should evaporation be more harmful than combustion?
Oh, I was thinking 26 years ago with 7
Of course, only one thing is clear: you have exactly NULL knowledge about e-cigarettes.
If you think the cigarettes are less harmful than e-cigarettes. You’re extremely uneducated about that. There’s no “I think”. There is no need for an opinion, there are facts that are proven.
Also your answer “But not as you 😘” shows your incompetence and immature.
But not as you 😘
You’ve become gloomy 🙂
she’s hurting more.
Wrong, how should evaporation be more harmful than combustion?
No 🤦
But if you want to call a theoretical potential for damage in the low single-digit percentage range, which is possible compared to tobacco smoke, “they damage more”…
This is nonsense, Mr Griffin.