Ist ein Tretboot ein Fahrrad?

Ich hatte diese Diskussion schon ein paar Mal mit mehreren Freunden, mittlerweile über mehrere Stunden.

Je nachdem wie man es sieht hat ein Fahrrad ja mehrere Hauptbestandteile die es haben muss um als Fahrrad durch zu gehen. Es muss einen Lenker haben, Räder, einen Rahmen, eine Kette und Pedale. Je nachdem wie man diese Definition aber auslegt kann man bei einem Tretboot jeden dieser Punkte abhacken.

Es hat einen Rahmen, Pedale, Räder in Form von Schaufel”rädern”, eine Kette und einen Lenker. Fundamental unterscheidet sich es als nicht sehr von einem konventionellen Fahrrad.

Also könnte man auch das nächste Mal auf dem See sagen man fährt ne Runde Fahrrad.

Würde gerne einmal neue Meinungen zu diesem Thema hören

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2 years ago

No, it’s still a boat. Otherwise, you could also call a motor-driven boat with impeller drive.

Of course, it’s always a matter of interpretation. The terms bicycle and motorad are of course quite simple in their construction. But they have established themselves. There are also many other examples, such as an aircraft. Who decides that not a hot air balloon is a plane? It is also a flying object with which people can move through the air.

But the definition of an aircraft now excludes that a hot air balloon also counts as such, simply because it has established itself.

On a bicycle and a pedal boat it is the same. A bicycle is a bicycle and a pedal boat is a pedal boat.

If you want to perform our language ad absurdum, you can still call a pedal boat as a bicycle and a hot air balloon as a plane. It will lead to confusion – what one wants to avoid with terms to which one has so to speak agreed as a society.

Regional differences in certain terms already provide enough confusion, such as the term “pancake”.

2 years ago

A bicycle is purely logical, while a boat is a watercraft. § 63a StVZO No. 1 However, it defines it as follows:

A bicycle is a vehicle with at least two wheels, which is driven exclusively by the muscle power of persons on it with the aid of pedals or hand cranks.

If you read that, a pedal boat with two wheels would be a bicycle. Implicitly, however, it should be clear that a watercraft is not a bicycle, and I think that no court will watch a pedal boat as a bicycle.

2 years ago

Definition Bicycle:

two-wheeled vehicle, the wheels of which are arranged one behind the other and which is driven by pedal pedal pedals, wheel (3)

So a pedal boat is clearly not a bicycle. In such discussions definitions always help.

2 years ago
Reply to  NackenSteak123

I would like to point out, by the way, that things are differentiated so that other people can also imagine what is precisely meant. If we were to equalize everything, the world would no longer work because we could no longer communicate properly.

2 years ago
Reply to  NackenSteak123

It should be noted that a boat just means boat because it is a floating body to drive in the water. A bicycle cannot do this and is therefore to be distinguished from the boat.

2 years ago
Reply to  NackenSteak123

Sure, you always find a point to argue.

But which pedal boat has two vanes, please?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bananenmayo

For me, a bicycle is a pedal boat

I am uncomplicated

2 years ago
Reply to  wildwildwild

For me, all material things are divided into Tofu.

2 years ago

No, if you are mounted on a bicycle floating bodies and shovel wheels, it is a swimming bike or an amphibian vehicle.

2 years ago

I would say that it was designed as a drink for sale and not as a vehicle to drive on it.

2 years ago

If I make shovel wheels on my bike, then it’s still a bike or a pedal boat

2 years ago

Okay, let’s define the boat instead of the bike:

small, mostly open ship

—> vessel

large, bulbous watercraft, usually narrower or sharper at both ends

—> watercraft

Vehicle moving on or in water

It’s not a bike.

Ergo Tretboot ≠ Bicycle

Ergo Bicycle ≠ pedal boat

2 years ago

That is why the term “tick alienation” comes.

2 years ago

It doesn’t make it a boat anyway. Long before, people have given certain names. A boat is just a boat and no bike.

2 years ago

Without checking this, there is still the fact that a bicycle has not been designed as a watercraft.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Mountain downhill

2 years ago

I actually look similar

2 years ago

I want to see people who can speed up a bike so fast.

2 years ago

If you drive fast enough not

2 years ago

In the water it goes down.

2 years ago

At least not in the definition

2 years ago

No, a pedal boat is not a bicycle. Because it is not a vehicle because it cannot move on in the country. It’s a boat, as the name says.

2 years ago

Is a wild boar a duck? I mean, theoretically everything is there, limbs, a respiratory system…

2 years ago
Reply to  NackenSteak123

Can it be that you do not like differences?

2 years ago
Reply to  Epson85


2 years ago

Racism means to revalue and devalue. But I don’t.

2 years ago

For me, all races are different and I’m still not a racist, even if I want the races separated from each other.

2 years ago

At the most a “swimming” wheel. A pedal boat floats and doesn’t drive.

A bicycle is stopping.

2 years ago

It must have wheels to be able to drive on the road. That’s why it’s not a bike. Just as a bike is a pedal boat. Although you could convert a fshread to the watercraft by applying floats and a water drive.