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4 months ago

Salsa is much more difficult because most salsa music doesn’t just know 1, 2, 3, 4, but different rhythms lie one over the other, which is often left out.

But this also makes up the charm of salsa, which has so many possibilities to move rhythmically, as hardly any other music style. And good: Salsa is also available in different styles, which gives even more expression.

In addition, Discofox is often a dance that is danced with many more, while salsate dancers may have 1-2 more dances that are similar to music and improve salsa for many years.

5 months ago

Salsa is great, but rhythmically, this is already more difficult than the discofox.

There are similarities in the figures, yes, but still one moves differently in salsa


5 months ago

Basically, all dances are the same.

Relevant is the posture, the posture, the body feeling. If you can dance well, you can dance. Sure, you specialize and you can do better. But the basic laws of movement, which must be learned.

In this sense, choose what makes you more fun. And after that, you are automatically much better in the other.

5 months ago

Depending on the dance school, salsa (Cuban) is often more difficult than discofox. Often, Rueda is also danced in the dance schools where salsa is taught and the level is generally higher than the discofox.

A beginner is probably better suited to the discofox, because the cycle at the salsa is already quite trivial.