Ist ein rotes “Augenende” normal?

Guten Abend, ich habe schon seit langer Zeit solch eine rote Endung am Auge bzw. An beiden Augen aber weiß nicht ob das normal ist und falls ja woran es liegen könnte. Könnte mir jemand helfen?

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2 years ago


I have that too, but only on one side. This comes when the eyelids do not moisten the eye enough and you rub. It’s the worst thing with me in the morning, after standing up when you remove the “sleep” (usually secreted by cleaning the eye overnight) I also often have hard “core” on the songs.

I don’t taste, or I’ve got dirt in my eye, or I’m wearing contact lenses.

That’s normal. What helps me to drink before bed, it’s not that bad, or if I wake up to drink.

In itself, this is not a disease, but individually depends on the song and moisture function of the eyes.

All good 🍀🍀🍀

2 years ago
Reply to  Melina0709

Please, happy and good night 😉

2 years ago

This could, for example, be a skin reaction on makeup.

2 years ago
Reply to  Melina0709

Or you too often write your eyes. So far I don’t see any reason to worry about it, but you should at least keep an eye on it.

Was not intended to play the word 😊

2 years ago

Are you wearing contact lenses? If so, probably too often or too long.

2 years ago

The skin is minimally irritated, if at all.

You need to know if it’s always the way or not.

2 years ago
