Ist ein Praktikum etwas offizielles?
Oder kann das auch ohne irgendwelche Unterschriften erfolgen? Einfach ein “rein schnuppern” ?
Oder kann das auch ohne irgendwelche Unterschriften erfolgen? Einfach ein “rein schnuppern” ?
Hallo Ich bin 15 und ich soll eine Bewerbung schreiben in Deutsch aber mir fällt es schwer
Hey findet ihr das ist gut bezahlt von meinem Chef? Wusste am Anfang nicht wirklich welche arbeit mir gefällt, so hab ich mich für Kellner entschieden: bin imb1. Ausbildungsjahr , verdiene 1.5k ist das gut?
Der eine ist beruflich nicht so erfolgreich. Der andere ist beruflich erfolgreich und verdient viel Geld. Welcher der beiden wäre wohl eher kriminell?
Mache gerade ein Praktika in einer KFZ-Werkstatt. Soeben hat mich eine andere Firma gefragt ob ich Lust hätte ein 1-wöchiges Praktikum (als Fachinformatiker) Wie kann ich es formulieren, das ich gerade nicht kann. Würd es halt verschieben
Ich will ein FÖJ nach der Schule machen und brauch dafür unter anderem ein Lebenslauf. Was soll ich denn da groß hinschreiben außer auf welche Schule ich gegangen bin?
In welchem Bereicht kann man als Unternehmer leichter und schneller mehr Geld verdienen Im IT Bereich / Im Wirtschaftsbereich ? Oder anders gesagt (BWL vs Informatik ) Klar in beiden Bereichen ist es nicht einfach Millioner zu werden aber wenn man nur die beiden Bereiche nimmt wo würdet ihr sagen ist es leichter reinzukommen gut…
in small businesses, it may be that the owner lets you “snap in” once, but in large it is definitely not. if the head of the small business is reasonable, he does not do it either because you are not insured without contract and he (and you) takes a certain risk.
However, I don’t understand why you want to do it without a contract, you can never give it to applications because it never happened officially and such an experience can be very useful in an interview.
I’m not doing the internship anyway. A colleague of mine has to make it from school if he finds no place he had asked me if he can go to me. I don’t know about it.
A confirmation that the internship has taken place I can issue it myself? Is it?
Actually, there is always a contract with a serious internship.
Because of the security in case of an accident.
And in the end you should also receive a confirmation of participation.
It should only be a “backup plan” for a colleague who has to do an internship from school. If he didn’t find anyone, he asked me if he could come to me. I know 0.
Can I simply issue a confirmation of attendance or do I need any stamp?
Of course, this must happen on business arcs. The teacher comes to visit the intern.
It is strange that the countries without schooling are always affected by poverty.
That Islam does not want to let his girls go to school. That’s a reason.
That’s what you do, because most people aren’t able to learn self-employed. It’s never gonna teach you. Therefore, training for 90-95% of people is also better. The elite can teach themselves.
I’m sure there’s an assistant like you who doesn’t get it.
It’s funny that the banks aren’t doing it where they’re exposed to a cost pressure, and they’re always getting companies that tell them where the costs can be saved. Instead, they put on expensive training….
Yes, a training must also be neglected in the field. This cost can also be saved by the bank. Simply make the books available and in self-study you learn it just as well.
I never said the opposite of what you say. I just said that I know more about finance than 95% of all Germans with very high probability.
And that I can know everything without training. Everyone can learn that.
Of course, such a training in banking and/or studying does not convey much. The companies do not have a requirement for vocational school and university. It’s just the Azubi’s time. You know the trainings in this area.
No, that’s not true. You can’t judge it.
Logically, which trader does not make any losses?
I am generally concerned with finance anyway. You don’t know me, so you can’t judge it. I know more about finance than 95% of all Germans. Locker.
I do not need to have financial education
You don’t know about 95% of finance. How do you mean that? A little speculate on the stock market (and there you have made many losses) is not enough.
You don’t have a training job you’re performing there.
I would just give him financial education for a week a few hours a day. After the week he knows more than 60-70% of the population about finance.
What kind of internship is that?
This person is 18.
Until 18 you’re not an adult. The pupils are now more for “children”.
Child? A child cannot do an internship. Colleague is simply a term that you also use for “friend” just that you don’t know so much. So an intermediate thing of acquaintance and friend -> colleague.
Why colleague? You work alone. The child can do the internship with your colleague. Why so cumbersome?
Sure I can, it’s my colleague. Why shouldn’t that go.
I’ll rent him a hotel room.
No, you can’t put the intern in the kitchen with you.
Where should he sleep, for example, when it’s gone?
Not always. Especially when it’s gone.
Do you think it’s okay?
I don’t know if I had to give a form from school to work at the one-week BORS practice. But a penny. I had no contract.
With all that was longer, there was a real contract of work and also a certificate of work.
Almost all contracts in professional life do not require written form. This means that oral agreements also possess official character
You can also do without paperwork, but if you later wrote in the CV that you did an internship, you want to see the best evidence that it really was. If you have an advantage of this, everyone must know for themselves
I don’t do an internship, it’s about a person who can do it with me. However, since I’m a 1 man company, I don’t know if it’s going to happen at all, especially since I don’t even have business premises or have written jobs.
The question is also whether you find your operation in any address book, Google Maps or the like.
If it’s just some private address that isn’t in the same district as the school or residence of your school,it can happen very well that the internship is not approved or recognised.
Then, in the best case, your mate has to do a duty internship in the station mission when you fly. In the worst case, it has legal consequences for you, because you’re teaching internas, although you don’t meet the requirement
Best there is a carrier like a school or the arge. Then you’re better sedated. you can also do an internship like a minijob.
As a long-term intern, you now have almost similar claims as an employee
Lg, Anna
How far does an intern have to be insured?
No, it’s just about a colleague who has to do an internship (from school) and if he doesn’t find anyone, he asked me if he can go to me. However, I don’t know if it counts as an internship at all.
It’s a practium. and why he must be insured?
now, he falls, breaks a leg or he shreds important documentary, crashes a server, throws a latte on the roof of your car
there are many ways he can harm himself or cause damage.
I’ve seen everything.
Lg, Anna
PS: as a student intern, he is insured by the school or the circle.
So I don’t have to insure or how do I have to understand?
This can’t happen, is it even without insurance that I offer an internship? Where else do I have to go to make such an insurance?
Of course, you can invite your friends and acquaintances to your home and explain something. This is not an internship because you can’t certify anything. You do not have a job for him, who could only meet the requirements of the professional community in the most distant future.
He doesn’t even have a business.
Sure I have a business 😂
He may have, but not at all, a real job, and in no case can he prove anything responsible because he has no training at all.
Well, you could say I would offer an assistant job with Homeoffice. I don’t have to take anyone.
Provision-based trading signals and provision-based digital IT services.
What is that?